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  • "His teacher is Reverend Ku Mo of Yun Qi monastery." Qiu Qianren answered, "Ah, Ku Mo is a skilled fighter of Xian Xia sect which is affiliated to Shaolin. His skills are also commendable. How about Junior Master display some stances for me?"


  • With that, he positioned himself and displayed his best stance, “The Luo Han subduing the tiger fists" which created some wind while he punched; he was indeed the disciple of a skilled martial artist. His skills were unique and he displayed for a while more before roaring out aloud which sounded like a tiger's roar; the candle lights wavered and a gust of wind breezed past the four corners of the room. The servants felt a chilling sensation and were startled by his performance.
  • He did a flip and crouched on the floor, suddenly stretching his left palm out straightly, displaying a stance of the “Ru Lai Buddha Palm". Lu Guanying flipped back up into position, and with his left arm into the air and his right leg kicking out, he steadily and motionlessly forming an image of a Luo Han Buddha.
  • He realized very well the superiority of his own school. He had seen it with his own eyes how hard Lu Guanying trained, yet his achievement was limited. (Probably means the styles described above are merely Common.)

Diamond Invulnerable Body[edit]

Dragon Claws[edit]

Golden Finger[edit]

Nine Yang Internal Skills[edit]

  • Inside the Nijia Jing scripture there is another book written by Master Damo himself. That book is the ‘Nine Yang Manual’ [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing].”
  • Actually, besides the ‘Nine Yin Manual’ Master Damo had written another book, which was the ‘Nine Yang Manual’. This book had the same value as the ‘Nine Yin Manual’; as a matter of fact, these two books complement each other. Only the name of the ‘Nine Yang Manual’ was not as widely known as the ‘Nine Yin Manual’. It was the first time that everybody heard this book mentioned.
  • "The ‘Nine Yang Manual’ is different from any other book. It contains lessons to make our body healthy and strong, like ‘Replacing Muscles Cleaning the Marrow’. I have mastered the lessons for many-many years, and true enough, I have never been sick. I have taught Junbao the rudimentary lessons from the ‘Nine Yang Manual’ for the last several years."
  • So the book not only taught how to keep one’s body healthy, but also how to defeat an opponent.
  • Junbao fought as one who had never learned martial arts before, he just threw punches randomly; how could he injure the opponent?
  • His fist hit its target, yet he felt the boy’s body imparting an opposing force, which made his punch bounce back.
  • When the punch hit his ribs he felt an excruciating pain so that his body bent over. He almost screamed.
  • Jueyuan did not have any martial arts, but he has mastered the ‘Nine Yang Manual’. His body could be controlled at will. He did not dodge Xiaoxiang Zi’s attack, but his body reacted to external force naturally. A soft blow would produce a softer reaction, and a hard blow would produce an even harder reaction. Xiaoxiang Zi’s blow was very forceful; therefore, the reaction force was also enormous. Xiaoxiang’s strength bounced back and he injured himself severely.

Vajra Demon Taming Circle[edit]


Lu Guanying[edit]

  • Son of Lu Chengfeng
  • Master Lu gave a small laugh, "The matters in Gui Yun Manor has all along been handled by my son Guanying. His teacher is Reverend Ku Mo of Yun Qi monastery."