Armand d'Tharashk

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Armand d'Tharashk is a character played by WombleHunter in John Galt's Eberron PbP game on


  • Armand d'Tharashk (played by WombleHunter)
  • Lawful Neutral Male Human Artificer 3

Picture: WotC Rules Compendium Art Gallery


Ability Score Modifier Cost
Strength 10 +0 2 pts.
Dexterity 14 +2 6 pts.
Constitution 12 +1 4 pts.
Intelligence 16 +3 10 pts.
Wisdom 8 -1 0 pts.
Charisma 16 +3 10 pts.


  • Hit Points: 17
  • Initiative: +2
  • Speed: 20 ft (run x4)
  • AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armour)
  • Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
  • Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Action Points: 6 (+1d8)


  • Club: +2 to hit, damage 1d6 (bludgeoning)


  • Light crossbow: +4 ranged 80' to hit, damage 1d8 (piercing), critical 19-20/x2


Skill Ranks Ability Modifier Misc Total
Concentration 6 Con +1 - +7
Craft (construction) 6 Int +3 - +9
Craft (metalworking) 6 Int +3 - +9
Disable Device 6 Int +3 - +9
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 6 Int +3 - +9
Search 6 Int +3 - +91
Spellcraft 6 Int +3 - +92
Use Magic Device 6 Cha +3 - +93

1 +11 to find secret doors or hidden compartments
2 +11 to decipher spells on scrolls
3 +13 to activate scrolls, +11 to activate Wondrous Items
Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin


1 Scribe Scroll(B), Favoured in House Tharashk(B), Investigate
2 Brew Potion(B)
3 Craft Wondrous Item(B), Action Boost

Class Features[edit]

  • Artificer Knowledge +6
  • Artisan Bonus (Scrolls, Wondrous Items)
  • Disable Trap
  • Item Creation
  • Craft Reserve (60)
  • Infusions (CL3, 4/2 per day)



  • Chain Shirt1 (34gp, 25lb)
  • Club (0gp, 3lb)
  • Light Crossbow1 (12gp, 4lb)
  • 10 bolts (1gp, 1lb)
  • Backpack (2gp, 2lb)
  • Artificers' (Thieves') Tools (30gp, 1lb)
  • High-class explorer's outfit
  • Signet Ring1 (2gp, 0lb)
  • Scrolls1 (250gp, 0lb)
  1. 2x Comprehend Languages
  2. Endure Elements
  3. Floating Disk
  4. Unseen Servant
  5. Hold Portal
  6. Mage Armour
  7. Shield
  8. Charm Animal2
  9. Goodberry2
  10. Jump
  11. Enlarge Person
  12. Reduce Person
  13. Shocking Grasp
  14. Burning Hands
  15. Silent Image
  16. Sleep
  17. Mount
  18. Magic Stone2
  19. 2x Message
  • Potions and oils1 (500gp, 0lb)
  1. Oil of Repair Light Damage
  2. 3x Shield of Faith2
  3. 2x Oil of Shillelagh2
  4. 2x Protection from Evil
  5. Enlarge Person
  6. Reduce Person
  7. 10x Cure Light Wounds


  • Spare high-class explorer's outfit (10gp, 8lb)
  • Artisan's outfit (1gp, 4lb)
  • Courtier's outfit (30gp, 6lb)
  • Courtier's jewellery of wrought gold and silver1 (17gp, 0lb)

11 gp
1 Self-crafted - half gp expenditure for magic items, 1/3 expenditure for mundane
2 Divine spell; all others arcane
Total weight carried: 36 (medium encumbrance)