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From a young age he was hard to control, his powers surfaced from berth and from that age he learned that his powers could get him anything.

As a young mans he was very close to being committed to a mental hospital, talk was that he may be sent to Siberia to do some digging in the mines. Then the young man met the Interrogator. He took the troubled young man under his wing and taught him to control himself and his desirers.

When there was talk of a team of supers to be sent to America, Interrogator petitioned for his "son" to by put in charge. Being a leader takes more skill then just planning, it takes people skills, something that he was sorely lacking in. Unfortunately for the rest of Mass Reaction, Ringer was made team leader.

Ringer can use his powers for subterfuge but that is not his style. When confronted with an opponent his form starts to distort, growing extra arms and putting on massive amounts of muscle.

Ringer PL 11 (165PP)

Init +3; 80ft (Run); Defense 21/17 (7 Base, 3 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +7; +13 Melee (15S Punch), +10 Ranged; SV Dmg +3 (10 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12 (Total 69PP)

Skills: Disguise 4/+15, Disable Device 4/+8, Bluff 4/+5, Search 4/+8, Spot 3/+4, Listen 3/+4 (Total 22PP)

Feats: Attack Focus (Melee), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Improved Grapple, Dodge, All Out Attack (Total 12PP)


Shapeshift +10 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Movement, Protection, Super Strength, Growth [5], Elongation [5]; Stunts: Extra Limbs [4 Arms / Legs]) (Cost 7 / Total 60+2PP)