Kami Grace

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Kami Grace
Type: Common
Chi: White
Restrictions: Brutal (Palms)
Critical: Blind and Disorient
Destiny Cost: 5

This defensive style is primarily practiced by shinto priests. It was developed as an emulation of the divine spirits of field and stream, elusive and eternal. Students of the style spend weeks in meditation and retreat, typically at shrines or in wild places, and perform slow, almost effortless katas as they seek the rhythm of the spirit world. Considered by some as the yin companion to the Orochi Fist's yang, it also sees little use in tournament circles. In these times it is used to defend sacred places and protect loved ones.

Kami Grace techniqes can be recognized by their slow motions, minimalist nature, and the way that they seem to fade to transparency when performing footwork, making them difficult to follow.

1: Perfect tranquillity: Weapons are innocent of the bloodshed they perform, and fists do not know the damage they wreak. Their spirits are calmed by the tranquility of the priest and seem almost to slumber in the hands of their wielders. Should they dare to attack, they cannot help but alert the Kami in advance so that she may prepare her defense. For one attack, the strike modifier for both the assailant and the defender are set to zero. In addition the Kami may add her chi modifier to her dodge, and she is considered elusive.

2 base points, 1 chi match, 1 restriction

  • Elusive: 1pt
  • Strength of Chi: Dodge: 1pt
  • Strike Equalization: 2pt

2: An honest reply: Both an offensive and defensive technique, the Kami accepts his opponents shortcomings and recognizes his triumph in advance. In joyful reverence to this encounter, the victim of this technique submits a portion of his skill as a show of good faith, subtracting 10 from his strike and granting the Kami her chi modifier as a bonus to her speed.

3 base points, 1 chi match,

  • Strike Negation -10: 3pts
  • Strength of Chi: Speed: 1pt

3: Intrusion of Worlds Unseen: Spirits can dwell in the material world, but they are not limited to it. The Kami flickers forward in an almost embracing motion, and those that watch could almost swear that in the last moment he flickers in and out of existence. Either way, in that instant, the martial artist strikes with the force of a lesser god. This attack adds the Kami's chi modifier to her attack, adds three dice to damage on a successful strike, and reduces his opponent's dodge by five.

4 base points, 1 chi match

  • Injuring (+3 damage dice): 2 pts
  • Move (-5 opponent's dodge): 1 pt
  • Strength of Chi (attack): 2 pts

4: God body: Striking the Kami's body is an ineffectual technique; she is prepared to accept such wounds as trivial demonstrations of purely physical principals. If struck while using this technique, the practitioner uses the velocity transformation method to convert damage dice into harmless knockback (as per the rules listed in the million styles manual). This technique remains in effect for the duration of the round, and can continued by channeling two jade chi.

5 base points, 1 color match, 1 restriction, 1 no secondary attack

  • Velocity Transformation: 6
  • Persistence (round): 2
  • Channel: 2 Jade chi

5: Kami Grace: With joy and pity, the Kami attains flawless emulation, and need no longer fear the most grievous of her attacker's techniques. If an attack is normally resolved as a style roll, this technique allows the Kami to force a contested roll. Perfect attacks are no longer perfect. In addition, she may use this against even the most subtle of techniques, instantly becoming aware of unexpected assaults.

6 base points, 1 color match

  • Unparalleled Dodge: 4
  • Awareness: 3

Ryouri Shonen