Count Orlock
Count Orlock
NE Vampire [Bat Shifter] Male
9th Level Priest of the Blood of Vol
Count Orlock is fairly typical of the upper-level heirarchy of the Blood of Vol during the centuries preceding the takeover of Karrnath. The Blood of Vol tends to live underground in sewers, caves, and in isolated areas much like the Cults of the Dragon Below. They are degenerate, twisted, insane, and evil followers of their undead god that no rational person would ever follow.
The six hundred year old Karrnath nobleman, Count Orlock possesses an intense charisma despite his hideous features and is mostly interested in using supernatural methods to spread the power of the Blood of Vol. This has lead to large scale creation of vampires throughout the Last War and will lead to massive waves of paranoia and hatred against Karrnath when they officially adopt the religion.
Personality: A gloating, excessive, and theatrical Master Vampire. Count Orlock is one of Strahd Von Zharovich's early creations and has gone on to spawn his own bloodline of debased and horrific looking Vampires. Unlike most of his kind, his vampires can assume a hybrid Werebat form instead of mist.