Sir Isore

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Personal Data
Name: Sir Isore
Homeland: Poitou
Culture: French
Religion: Christian
Father’s Name: Eustache
Father’s Class: Squire of a Vassal Knight
Son Number: 3
Lord: Count of Poitou
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Current Home: The Court of Earl Roberts
Age: 22
Year Born: 510
Glory: 2,151
Coat of Arms: Azure, a Bend Sinister Sable, a Dolphin Haurient Argent.

Personality Traits
Chaste 7 / Lustful 13
Energetic 12 / Lazy 8
Forgiving 11 / Vengeful 9
Generous 12 / Selfish 8
Honest 9 / Deceitful 11
Just 9 / Arbitrary 11
Merciful 16 / Cruel 4
Modest 4 / Proud 16
Pious 12 / Worldly 8
Prudent 12 / Reckless 8
Temperate 8 / Indulgent 12 (Wines 13)
Trusting 17 / Suspicious 3
Valorous 18 / Cowardly 2

Loyalty (Lord) 20
Love (Family) 13
Hospitality 8
Honor 13
Hate (Saxons) 12

SIZ 12
APP 13
Damage 3d6
Healing Rate 2
Movement Rate 2
Total Hit Points 20
Unconscious 5

Distinctive Features
Bright-eyed, soft-voiced, clever at games.

Awareness 6
Courtesy 10
Dancing 2
Faerie Lore 3
Falconry 8
First Aid 6
Flirting 3
Folk Lore 2
Gaming 12
Heraldry 5
Hunting 8
Intrigue 4
Orate 2
Play (Harp) 2
Recognize 2
Religion (Christianity) 3
Romance 5
Singing 2
Stewardship 2
Swimming 2
Tourney 8

Combat Skills
Battle 4
Horsemanship 11
Sword 11
Lance 11
Spear 5
Dagger 1

Own Riding (Rouncy): Move 14
Squire's (Rouncy): Move 16

Name: “Guidon”
Age: 17

Equipment Carried
Cash: 2£ value Armor Type: 6 points. Cuirbouilli.
Clothing: 1£
Personal Gear: On horse #2.
Travel Gear: On horse #1.
War Gear: On horse #1.
Weapons: Spear, shield, sword, dagger, 4 jousting lances.
Other: Healing potion (heals 1d6 hp)

Selected Events
Born: 510
Squired: 525

Knighted: 531

Will: Family
Family Characteristic: Clever at Games (+10 Gaming)
Father Eustache is the squire of a vassal knight of the Count of Poitou. Mother was carried off by raiders years ago. Isore was the first in his family to be knighted; the only other knights in the family are his brother Hervis and his illegitimate step-brother Jorvain.
Extended family: 14 other fighting men, including two older brothers (one of whom is married), four uncles-in-law (one a widower), two paternal aunts, and a maternal uncle (unmarried).

A manor.

Annual Glory
94. Merciful 17 + Proud 16 + Trusting 17 + Valorous 18 + Loyal (Count of Poitou) 20 + Manor 6.