Kid Devil II

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Kid Devil II[edit]

PL: 8 (PP: 120)

Alternate Identity: Tammi Zhou

Identity: Secret

Occupation: Student, Hero-in-training

Base of Operations: Port City

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 121

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Black

Age: 14


Strength 12 (+1) Dexterity 17 (+3) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 12 (1+) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 13 (+1)

Saving Throws

Tougness +8 (Con +1, Defensive Roll 7) Fortitude +6 (Con +1, Base +5) Reflex +8 (Dex +3, Base +5) Will +6 (Wis +2, Base +4)

Defense +8 (Base +4, Dodge Focus 4) Attack +8

Initiative +3


Create Object (Shadow Constructs, Moveable, Tether) 8 AP: Darkness Control 8 AP: Strike 8 AP: Teleport (Accurate, Medium: Shadows) 8

Flight (25mph, Rides on Shadow Disk) 2

Super-senses (Magic Awareness: Mental, Darkvision) 3


Acrobatic Bluff, Beginner's Luck, Defensive Roll 7, Dodge Focus 4, Sneak Attack


Acrobatic 8 Diplomacy 4 Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 Knowledge (Pop Culture) 5 Notice 8 Sense Motive 6 Sleight of Hand 8 Stealth 6 Swim 6


Tammi Zhou is the child of two sorcerers, neither much concerned with morality. They used their powers to further their own ends, and to hell with anyone that got in their way. They also had great hopes for their daughter, and were looking forward to making their criminal activities a family business. Unfortunately, they quickly found that Tammi lacked even the most rudimentary magical ability.

Mostly she just didn't care. She wanted to play with her friends, go shopping, and was quite bothered with the way her parents used their powers. Tammi just wanted to be normal. Her parents wanted her to be more. After years of testing and experimentation, they finally thought they figured out a way to give their daughter the power she was entitled to. They strapped their terrified daughter to stone slab and began casting their spell. Whatever dark powers they had tapped into were beyond their abilities to control. The only thing that prevented the ritual from completely going out of control was the timely arrival of The Devil of Dockside. He arrived in time to save Tammi, but her parents had completely disappeared.

Placed in state care, Tammi found herself with strange powers. Without a family or guidance, she spent most of her time figuring out what she could do. Inspired by her rescuer, and the recently released Kid Devil movie she took the name and started to fight crime. It wasn't long before The Devil (unknown to most he was also the original Kid Devil) tracked her down. Sympathetic, he decided to train her. While she's still intimidated by him, she loves the excitement and looks to him as the older brother she never had. Her energy and good humor, offsets his stoicism. She's still technically in training, but she has already inspired a handful of other teenage heroes in Port City. Ironically, they tend to work together better then the fully grown heroes.


Tammi is a young woman looking for guidance. She never wanted to follow her parent's path, but other then that didn't really know what she wanted to do. She's embraced the hero's life with enthusiasm. While not a trouble maker like the original Kid Devil, she's not above the occasional joke at the criminal's expense.


Tammi Zhou is a teenager of Chinese decent with a slight build. To appear more devil-like she wears a mask over the top half of her face, with small horns on her forehead. Other then that her costume remains simple blood red tights.
