Founding principles
- Miracles should be fun and easy to use. Performing miracles should feel different to spellcasting (i.e. a different mechanic)
- Faith casters should be a bit more discerning when calling on their god as compared to spellcasters.
- Include torg concepts such as focus.
- In torglike, miracle workers (such as priests, shamans) roll their dicepool to determine whether they have successful performed a miracle.
- Unlike spellcasting, miracles generally do not need to beat a foe's 'Resist' difficulty. Instead, miracles must beat the miracles 'Focus' difficulty (this means that miracles are more independent of the foe's strength than spells are).
- To successful perform a miracle, roll Spirit + Faith
- Width 2 sets work only if they are equal to or greater than the Focus difficulty. Eg. a 2x6 set miracle will work on a foe if the miracle has a Focus6 difficulty or less. A Focus7 miracle wouldn't have worked.
- Width 3 or greater sets do NOT need to roll equal to or over Focus. (Otherwise miracles are too underpowered)
- There are also circumstance modifiers that affect the chance of performing miracles
- performed in front of a congregation (at least 20 people) +2d
- the recipient of the miracle is from the same faith +2d
- the recipient of the miracle is of a similar faith (e.g an anglican performing a miracle on a pentecostal) OR has no faith (athiest) or is uncommitted (agnostic) +0d
- the recipient of the miracle is from a completely different faith (e.g. an anglican performing a miracle on a taoist) -2d
- Miracles cannot be actively resisted unless the character has the faith skill as well. It is a full-round action of denouncing the opposing faith and results in increasing the focus difficulty of the miracle by +2. Also, sets of all widths must now beat the focus difficulty.
- If the miracle fails (dice pool has no successes or does not beat the focus), then the miracle worker cannot perform THAT same miracle again until he/she has communicated with God and performed a penance. After the penance is complete, access to that miracle is restored. The penance is directly related to the Focus difficulty of the miracle. For example, a failed bless miracle with focus3 would need only a nights rest + rosary in the morning (for catholics) or 20min meditation (for buddhists) to be restored. A failed Faith Healing with focus6 would need a more severe penance such as donating a week of community service in the name of your god, or a 3 day fast with nothing but water/juice (with an associated penalty to the body stat while fasting).
Each miracle has a table that details the result of different width successes (in general Width 2 = minimal success, Width 3 = adequate success, Width 4 = Good success, Width 5 = Spectacular success).
- Bless
- Focus3
- Width2
- Width3
- Width4
- Width5
- Faith Healing
- Focus6
- Width2
- Width3
- Width4
- Width5
- Cure Disease
- Focus7
- Width2
- Width3
- Width4
- Width5
- Exorcise
- Focus9
- Width2
- Width3
- Width4
- Width5