B-Grade Templates (Classes)
- Each player chooses a template for their character at character generation. Alternatively, the one roll character generator can be used (unfinished).
- Effectively a template defines both the race and class for a PC.
- A template has the following features:
- Name of template:
- Description:
- Benefits: a single powerful benefit that is automatically given with the template. They are very powerful, define the template and are unique for each template.
- Flaw: a powerful flaw that offsets the benefit. Also define the template and are unique to each template.
- Boons: special abilities that are not automatically given at character generation. The player may choose 1 boon at chargen from the list of boons available. The rest may be purchased with experience. There is some overlap with boons. i.e. some boons are available to multiple templates.

About eight feet in height, with translucent yellowish skin that barely disguised the workings of the vessels and muscles underneath, watery, glowing eyes, flowing black hair, black lips, and white teeth. eg. frankenstein's monster, hermann munster
- Benefits:UNSTOPPABLE: +1 Hammer-time dice in BODY
- Flaw: SLOW: Always the last to act due to being cumbersome in mind and body. Always declares first in a combat round and always acts last in a round (initiative area always = 1). Also, can never use any weapon skill. only can use simple weapons (Fight skill)
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen
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Part man, part wolf. Suffers from lycanthropy though in a permanent state of wolfman. Cannot change into a wolf or normal man. Full moon has no effect. Hair and nails can be shaved and cut, but will grow back rapidly when asleep.
- Benefits: REGENERATION: Immune to shock. Whenever you take shock, ignore it.
- Flaw: FRENZY: Once you get started killing, it's hard for you to stop. After all foes are defeated, roll SPIRIT + Cool to stop fighting with a difficulty equal to the number of different foes you attacked this combat. If you don't succeed you attack the nearest creature (whether it is a knocked out and helpless foe or a fellow player character or a large animal such as a horse). Keep rolling every round until you regain control.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience.
- PREDATOR: You can track anything. If you have a creature's scent, you can track it.
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Feeds on blood and is master of macabre seduction. Sunlight does no damage but many of the VAmpire's boon are more effective at night
- Benefits: HYPNOTIZE: +1 Hammer-dice in CHARM.
- Flaw: BLOODLUST: Once you see blood, you want a taste. If you haven't had blood recently, and you see an open wound on a friend or foe, roll SPIRIT + Cool with a difficulty equal to the amount of blood you can see (diff3 = an open wound, diff5 = major wound, diff7 = on the floor dying) or lose control. You attack the blood source and attempt to suck them dry.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- RESILIENT: You heal faster and wounds never seem so grave after combat as they did during combat.
- COMMAND THE BEASTS: Natural animals always heed your call and will never attack you.

The great action hero. Decisive and brave with true grit and determination. eg John McClane, Indian Jones, Alan Quartermain, McGuyver, and Schwarzeneggar
- Benefits: JACK OF ALL TRADES: Always has some tidbit of knowledge on all subjects. If you have no dice in a skill, you are assumed to have one dice instead.
- Flaw: ONLY HUMAN: No major flaw.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- LUCKY: Always round up when rounding averages (such as when determining threat and resist values)
- GADGETEER: Can make and use pulp gadgets.
- PRODIGY: only can be chosen at char gen. Choose one skill. You start with 5 dice in it.
- EVIL KNINEVAL: Master behind the wheel.

Rarely seen and adapted for particular climates. Lives in remote rugged terrain. eg the abominable snowman, sasquatch
- Benefits: CONCEALMENT: If prepared to ambush (at least 3 rounds unnoticed before combat begins), can add tactics+knowledge to combat dicepool in first round of combat only.
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- SURVIVALIST-Can withstand extreme natural conditions. Immune to extreme hots up to 80C and subzero temperatures up to -80C. Can hold breath indefinitely can never fails swim and climb checks.
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Made from occult ritual and let loose. Looks like a statue made from stone, gold or bronze.
- Benefits: IMPERVIOUS: Starts with permanent heavy armour. Can never be degraded.
- Flaw: NO EMOTION: You can never succeed at a skill that requires CHARM.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
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An inhabitant of the planet Mars. You consider the human race inferior and are both interested and amused by human behaviour. Having crashed on this planet, you are now alone.
- Benefits: SUPERBRAIN: +1 Hammer-time dice in BRAINS.
- Flaw: NOT OF THIS WORLD: You can never seem to gain a human's trust. Even small animals shirk away from you. You are disconnected from this world. Can never achieve more than a minimal success on CHARM based rolls.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- GADGETEER: Can make and use pulp gadgets.
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From araby nations. Generally a bit cruel and sadistic. Often blue in colour and slightly larger than man-size. The Djinn are believed to have communities much like human societies: they eat, marry, die, etc.
- Benefits: :
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
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Leprechauns (Cluricauns) are agile, swift and cunning, Small and secretive, and sometimes surly. They may steal or borrow almost anything, creating mayhem in houses during the hours of darkness, raiding wine cellars and larders. Likes to hoard things. Prefers to wear greenery. These apparently aged, diminutive men are frequently to be found in an intoxicated state, caused by home-brew poteen. They enjoy riding sheep and dogs at night. eg rumpelstilskin
- Benefits: DAMN QUICK: +1 Hammer-dice in DEXTERITY.
- Flaw: PILFER: Always trying to steal things...it's a compulsion. Whenever a fellow character needs an item in a critical situation (such as drawing a holstered gun at the start of a gunfight), roll SPIRIT + COOL. If you get no successes then temptation got the better of you. The item in question is down one of your many deep pockets instead.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- SPELLCASTING: Abra cadabra. You can cast spells
- HOARDER: You always seem to have handy some sort of item that would help. Whenever you need some small, obscure item (such as a lockpicking tool when you have been thrown into a jail), roll SPIRIT + WEALTH. If you succeed then you have the item you need in your pocket.

A fairy spirit in animal form. Always very large. The pooka appears here and there, now and then, to this one and that one at his own caprice. A wise but mischievous creature. Very fond of rum-pots, crack-pots..some have a tendency to vandalise property. No fairy is more feared in Ireland than the pooka. This may be because it is always out and about after nightfall, creating harm and mischief, and because it can assume a variety of terrifying forms eg Harvey, Frank from Donnie Darko
- Benefits: TOTEM: +1 Hammer-time dice in SPIRIT
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- SPELLCASTING: Abra cadabra. You can cast spells
- INVISIBILITY: Very limited invisibility
Any human that can cast rituals. eg shamans, priests, gurus, cthulhu occultists
- Benefits: :
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- RITUAL CASTING: The charm of making. I will teach you...Anáil nathrach orth bhais betha, do cheol déanta. You can perform rituals.
- MIRACLE WORKER: Blessed be his name.... You can perform mircales

A race of people who could transform themselves into cats. Displays catlike behavior while in human form, depending on pedigree, some can transform into a black panther for brief periods of time when aroused.
- Benefits: INTUITION: +1 Hammer-dice to SENSE.
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- LANDS ON FEET: You never take any damage from long falls, and you always land on your feet.
- PANTHER FORM: Can transform into a panther (or similar sleek big cat) for a limited amount of time. Sometimes this transformation is uncontrollable if highly aroused.

- Benefits: :
- Flaw: SHAMBLER: Cannot move faster than a walk.
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
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- Benefits: :
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
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Your english is poor, but your fighting kicks ass
- Benefits: :
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
- MARTIAL ARTIST: Can practice martial arts.
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- Benefits: :
- Flaw: :
- Boons: Choose only 1 boon at chargen. The rest can be bought with experience
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