Talk:OREhammer 40k:Main Page

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Revision as of 01:19, 18 January 2008 by Lord Minx (talk | contribs)
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The Basic Idea

"OREhammer 40.000 is meant to be a conversion of the Warhammer 40k Universe using the One Roll Engine. Originally started in a multitude of threads and generally approached in a haphazard way, this page is the first step in my efforts to actually get this conversion closer to playable. As you can imagine, help is greatly appreciated. ^_^" --Lord Minx 17:01, 17 January 2008 (PST)

Bits of Organization

Right now, this project is a place to collect and organize my various ideas and make them presentable. So the first step was to put the most important threads into the page, so I and everybody else can easily find them again. The next step is to browse them for any salvageable ideas and organize them in a way that hopefully makes sense. (Which I hope to do over the next few days.)

I'm still thinking about the basic organization, but I imagine a pretty basic split if the project along those lines:

  • Main Page - General Overview, Introduction and the most important links.
    • Collection of Ideas - Here, the usefull snippets will be collected and hopefully refined and there will be lots of chaos and reworking and lions will lie with lambs and so on.
    • The Conversion - Once a part is somewhat polished (Not "finished", but closer to "readable" then in the Collection category), it comes here. There will be subpages for the various parts of the conversion like Character Generation, special rules, and so on. Nothing Special here.

I'll do my best to create the basic structure over the next few days as I browse the thread for useful material. --Lord Minx 17:18, 17 January 2008 (PST)