Lotus and Allium:Perfection

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Saïd Mechkar, Power of Perfection

Aspect 4 (5 MPs)
Domain 1 (5 MPs)
Realm 0 (5 MPs)
Spirit 2 (5 MPs)

Perfect Imitation (is it deep guise in English?) - 3 ?: Makes hims able to really blend in population, to look like one of the locals. Even people from a close-knit village will think he is one of them, and has lived there for all his life. This can only be detected though a miracle of penetration 3.

Unassuming (Saïd should be impressive and attractive, and yet is not. Noone takes him really seriously, not even people working for him. His decisions are often questioned, and he has to make more efforts than most to make lasting (positive) impressions.)

The Code of Heaven

A single Dahlia (Regal Bearing; Royalty; Splendor) growing out of a bed of Gladiolas (Striving, hard work).


5 Preserving his sanity 4 Soumia, his mom 3 Keeping the extent of his temporary madness a secret 3 What happened when fighting his father 2 His former network 1 Integration and acceptance 1 His old company 1 His anchors

Hélène Camélia Vernouillet: Saïd's former love. Hélène hates Saïd with passion, and is mortally afraid of him. He made her watch horrors committed in her name, humiliated her family « as a friendly lesson. » They have forgotten all about it, but she hasn't. Even though everything has gone back to normal (or almost) in her life, and Saïd has become the charming, unassuming man she first knew, she is afraid it all is a trick to give her more pain. Hélène is an assistant executive in a company rival to Saïd's. She works hard, slowly cutting herself from people to not have precious people Saïd could hurt again. Hélène is a middle aged woman, brown haired, with glasses. You can tell she used to be beautiful, but it not really taking care of herself that well anymore.

Henri Vernouillet: Saïd's former Rival. Henri has lost everything, and refused everything Saïd offered in compensation. He roams the world as a lunatic, looking for other lunatics of his kind, to share their wisdom. Discovering the mythic world has led Henri to one conclusion: the power must be his. He is ready to do anything to get the same power has Saïd, if he can steal it, it's even better. Of course, Henri has to pretend to be working with Saïd, and to obey direct orders, but his goal is to become a Power of his own. Henri is a small, fat, unkept man, with mad eyes, sparse grey hair, that is always matted. He wears dirty clothes dating from his former glory as a civil servant.

Saïd is a tall, muscular man. His skin color looks like it could be tan, more than skin color, and his black hair is cut short and slightly shiny. He wears a neatly trimmed short moustache. He is always dressed in a beautiful suit. Yet the whole always seems slightly comical. He reminds people of Borat more than anything.

Imperator: Amunet
Campaign page: Lotus and Allium