Milk and Honey:Veniam

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Clothing. The Kadasah, which could be described as a knee length, sleveless shirt a loin clothing and nothing more is the mark of the Veniam male. Women wear a local version of the Mazka under the kadash. For the Veniam footwear is only for travelling outside of their own city, soldiers, the noble and little else. Most people go barefoot for the entire length of their lifes. Nudity is taboo in Veniam; even in children. Only criminals on their way to the fire pit would suffer such a fate, short before their execution.

The fire pit is the place where the residents (normally slaves) throw their trash to be burnt. The remains of the worst criminals are thrown here.

Warfare The Veniam Royal Army uses this formula Axemen 20%, Spears 20%, Close Order Bowmen 15%, Light Chariots 20% Open Order Bowmen 15% Heavy Chariots 10%

The vassal and secondary states use this formula

Axemen 0 to 10%, Spears 0 to 20%, Close Order Bowmen 0 to 20%, Light Chariots 10 to 20%, Open Order Bowmen 0 to 20%, Javeline men 20 to 90% Barbarian Warriors 0 to 70%