Alia:Extradimensional Tower of Infinite Possiblility

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Extradimensional Tower of Infinite Possiblility

Tomb of the Wizard Lysander. The tower is located near the middle of the city and is a puzzle to everyone. The actual tower is 60 feet tall and 40 feet wide, but the interior is significantly larger. In the windows of the tower, strange creatures can be occasionally seen and several groups of adventurers have escaped from the tower through the windows, they tell a tale of great, and ever-changing dangers.


The tower has it's own ecology, and is populated by dangers of multiple sources.

  • Underground Tower: Water is everywhere in the labyrinth. The interior of the tower, quickly gains a subterranean atmosphere, filled with dripping water and a vast array of fungal growth. Mushrooms, slimes and other light independant vegetation are very common in the labyrinth. Many are edible. Many are poisonous. Some are deadly in other ways. There are a moderate population of fungus eating herd animals, including primarily the Boarus, a dark-adapted species of small pig.
  • Kidnapping: The labyrinth definitely spans, stretches and bridges space, there are several exits and entrances to the labyrinth and they seem to open and close at varying locations following some unknown purpose. The labyrinth occaisionally will capture things and cast them within the labyrinth, where they are often trapped for days, months or years. Sometimes these creatures carve out their own niche within the confusing vaults. Large sections of the labyrinth are controlled by small to medium tribes of dungen dwellers.
  • Forgotten Crypts: The labyrinth seems to have done a large amount of tomb raiding, gathering within itself many forgotten crypts, tombs and mauseleums from throughout the ages. These transplanted crypts are ALWAYS guarded by undead spirits.
  • Magical: temporary summons are quite frequent. Any creature that may be summoned or called by a magical spell (Monster Summoning, Summon Nature's Ally, Planar Binding, or Planar Ally, Gate, etc.) may be found within the labyrinth's tunnels.
  • Explorers: adventuring groups occaisionally venture into the halls and do not return. Many either choose to or are forced to stay within the labyrinth.

The Game

The purpose of the tower is to test people. Lysander is in fact dead and entombed within the uppermost reaches of the labyrinth. During his life he never found a worthy apprentice. Before his death, he set up the labyrinth as a test for prospective apprentices. He is now a spirit, resting, waiting for someone to carry on in his footsteps. The entire dungeon is in fact a magical artifact, designed and built by Lysander in the ten years before his death, and now is watched over by Lysander's Ghost. If an apprentice is found, the tower will revert back to it's original form.

The labyrinth is a game of sorts. Propsective adventurers risk themselves for potential gain, but if they fail they face the possibility of becoming trapped within and being forced to serve the labyrinth.

Monsters within are either temporary summons, quasi-real illusions, or have in fact chosen to remain. Monsters are occasionally led into an area deemed suitable for their occupancy, if they stay they are welcomed into the labyrinth, if such monsters decide to leave, they easily find their way back to where they came from.

Lysander's Purpose

Lysander's Purpose is unknown to anyone.

The following is meant for DM eyes only: Lysander's Purpose.

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