Black Ops '61
Black Ops '61
This is the page for the play-by-post game Black Ops '61. It will look much nicer soon enough.
Irina Davidson
Point Total: 800. Player: Deamon
Irina doesn’t know where she was born or who her birth parents are. She was found in a lab and she showed signs of having been experimented on. Irina was what she responded with when asked her name, she looked about 5 years old. The raid on the premises was because of surveillance by the company of a bunch of German sympathisers. The Lab was actually in the same building but apparently carried on separately.
The people in the lab had either escaped or died in the assault. Investigations by the company came up blank. These people didn’t exist and neither did the company they worked for, the German sympathisers had no idea what was happening in the rest of the building.
In the course of trying to learn more several interviews were recorded with Irina. That’s when they discovered her ability with languages. At 5 she could already speak Russian English and several Slavic languages, speak them fluently at a level that no 5 yo should be capable of.
Irina was adopted by Bob Davidson an operative himself and brought up in as normal a way as circumstances permitted. She was continued to be taught languages but she was warned not to let on how many she knew. By the time she finished her Phd in Linguistics she spoke more than 20 languages. She has continued to learn languages but has been finding it more difficult the older she gets.
She was always intended to be an operative and her adopted family have instilled in her a love for her adopted country and a sense of gratitude that she was allowed to grow up here. Likewise she also feels grateful to the Company since they rescued her. She still has nightmares which have been attributed to her early life, but she doesn’t really remember that much about it. The nightmares all centre around a chair and pain. For most of her time as an agent she has been desk bound or working areas where her knowledge of Languages has been the primary reason for her inclusion. She has had little experience of combat ops.
Physical Description: Female; age 28 (approx.); blonde hair; gray eyes.
Attributes: ST 11 [+10]; DX 12 [+40]; IQ 16 [+120]; HT 13 [+30].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg thr 1d sw 1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11; Will 20 [+20]; Per 20 [+20]; FP 13; Speed 6.0; Move 7 [+5].
Social Background: TL7; Cultures: Western, Soviet [+1]; Languages: German (N/E), English (N/E), American Sign Language (N), Armenian (N/E), Burmese (A/L), Cambodian (A/L), Czech (N/E), Danish (N/E), Dutch (N/E), Finnish (N/E), German (N/E), Greek (N/E), Hebrew (A/L), Hindi (A/L), Hungarian (N/E), Italian (N/E), Japanese (A/L), Korean (A/L), Lao (A/L), Lithuanian (N/E), Mandarin (A/L), Norwegian (N/E), Polish (N/E), Portuguese (N/E), Romanian (N/E), Russian (N/E), Spanish (N/E), Swedish (N/E), Turkish (A/L), Vietnamese (A/L) [+90].
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [+15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Bulletproof Nudity) [+2]; Gizmo 1 [+5]; Hard to Kill 2 [+4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [+4]; High Pain Threshold [+10]; Language Talent [+10]; Patron: The Company 15- [+225]; Schtick: Dark Glasses [+1]; Style Adaptation (All) [+1]; Truly Badass [+75]; Very Fit [+15]; Wild Talent 1 (Retention, Thou Shalt Not Steal Thunder) [+20]; Zeroed [+10].
Disadvantages: Charitable 12- [-15]; Curious 12- [-5]; Duty: The Company (always) [-20]; Phobia (Loss of Memory) 12- [-5]; Secret: The Company (fatal) [-30]; Secret Enemy [-?]; Sense of Duty (U.S. Government) [-10].
Quirks: Swears in multiple languages when annoyed [-1].
Wildcard Skills: Business! 15 [+12]; Guns! 13 [+36]; Martial Arts! 12 [+24]; Outdoorsman! 15 [+12]; Smooth Operator! 15 [+12]; Spy! 16 [+24].
Regular Skills: Area Knowledge (Earth) 18 [+4]; Cryptography/TL8 15 [+2]; Driving/TL7 (Automobiles) [+1]; Expert Skill: Greys 16 [+4]; First Aid 16 [+1]; Games (Chess) 16 [+1]; Leadership 18 [+8]; Makeup 17 [+2]; Mind Block 21 [+4]; Soldier/TL7 17 [+4]; Speed Reading 15 [+1]; Swimming 13 [+2].