James "Emet" Day

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NAME: James Day
CONCEPT: Spiritualist Journalist
VIRTUE: Temperance
VICE: Envy
ORDER: Thrysus
PATH: Guardians of the Veil

Personal Details


look at p128 of the Guardians book


He was a reporter for a local paper. He'd found a story hinting on links to organised crime in local government, and wanted an exposé; a national paper had shown interest of he could get concrete evidence. He found some hints, but they found him. He wound up at local hospital within three days, by the bedside of his girlfriend, who'd been kneecapped, then killed by the goons of whoever he'd been investigating, with a note warning him off pinned to his chest. When he left the hospital, to get some sleep, he underwent a Mystery Play Awakening, following the ghost of the girlfriend to the politician's house, which ended with him leaving a bloody hand print on the wall next to the politician, who'd had his throat torn out in the Play.

The Guardians picked him up, as he lay in a foetal position in an alleyway, thinking he'd gone mad. He's passed all three of the Veils, and now works to keep both spirits and ghosts from interfering in the Fallen World, and uses them as spies, using the negotiation training he got as a journalist.

Additional Ramblings:

Well, it's obvious that the other party involved with the politician might quite like to find him. They may have been just human crooks, but they may have been an alliance between the Tremere and the Sangiovanni Vampires; he doesn't know.

His girlfriend still follows him around, as he is one of her anchors, which can be useful, although she is still understandably bitter.

This is kind of a doing what must be done kind of character, then paying the price. He will alienate his spirit contacts to take down a spirit which has eaten Abyss-tainted Resonance, he will put people into poverty by preventing a new jobs programme planned by the Seers by driving the managers insane. He hates what he does, but he does it because someone has to.

Guardians of the Veil: He will conceal information if they ask him to, although he wonders why they sometime get him to hide mundane facts.

Mysterium: He'll work with them on any project studying Twilight or the Shadow, although they sometimes act upon things they shouldn't. He suspects that one member of the Mysterium has a Claimed working for them.


As for mentors, Alice Demurge/ Sally Nartuae/ Cognisia (all of them Shadow names for the same woman) was the individual who found him in the alleyway. She guided him through the Veils, after he chose to stay with the Guardians. As a neophyte, he also heard the rumours about her; that she had been a crack Guardian Seeker, who'd saved several ruins from Sleeper Disbelief and the bumbling of the other orders, until something had happened to her cabal, and she returned to the Guardians psychologically very different. She definetly taught him the High Toungue properly; not the bastardised version which most others - he could, should he wish, write his newspaper reports in something Sleepers (and most mages) couldn't understand. She is resident in the territory of the Assembly, and is a member of the Prophets faction, just as he is; she often ends up dealing with the Council in the name of the Guardians. They grew more distant, as he grew far more interested in the esteorica of the Sprirt Arcanum, rather than the more earthy foucus on Life that she possesses, but they trust each other about as much as any Guardian can.

Game Stats


MENTAL: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2
PHYSICAL: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
SOCIAL: Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 4


Mental Skills: Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation 3, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Politics 3, Science 1
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 2
Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 1, Persuasion 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2

-*Rote Specialties = Investigation, Stealth, Subterfuge


Health: 7
Willpower: 6
Wisdom: 6

Size: 5
Speed: 9
Initiative: 6
Defense: 2
Armor: 4 (Ephemeral Shield, Spirit 2)
Numinous Shield: 4 (Spirit 3)

XP: 1 remaining


Gnosis: 2
Mana: 7 (max: 11, 2/turn)
Innate: Pattern Restoration (1/day), Pattern Scouring (1/day), Unseen Sense
Nimbus: Animalistic Watchfulness (The area darkens around him, and eyes can be seen staring from every corner, as his eyes flash to something not quite human)


Spirit 4, Death 2, Life 2, Time 1



Dedicated Magical Tools

Order Tool - Pair of darkened sunglasses with the High Speech word for "Vision" carved into the frame, Arcana Tools - Death: one of his girlfriend's rings


Resources 1
Status (Guardians of the Veil) 1
(High Speech )
Status (Newspaper) 1
Contacts (Police) 1
Ghost Ally (as Familiar, but ghost instead of spirit) 3
Trained Memory 1 (bought with 2XP, p 46 of the Guardians Book)
Mask (Binder of Night, p 73 of the Guardians book) 1 (bought with 2 XP)
Language (Atlantean) 1 (Secrets of the Ruined Temple; allows fluency in Atlantean, rather than just the jargon for casting of High Speech)
Library (The Shadow) 1
Guardian Spirit 3 (Influence: Knowledge, fettered to the library) (Sigil and Sanctum p 86)