Drunken Phoenix

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Drunken Pheonix, Solar Asshole

Background: Drunken Phoenix was born into one of the great noble houses of Calin, once in control of a great patronage and a booming wine industry. But his true father was not the head of the house, but an idealistic young noble and believer of the Unconquered Sun. When it was discovered, his father was executed and his clan was ruined. Drunken Phoenix was disowned and exiled along with his mother and spent his formative years dreaming of reuniting the clan. His Exaltation came as a surprise to both him and his mother, who took it as a sign of hope that she would return to the fold. With his newfound power, he's decided to bring honor back to his family whether they like it or not, and in the meantime, he's living life to the fullest.

Type: Solar, Eclipse Caste

Essence: 2

Pursuit: His own selfish desires

Motivation: To redeem his clan and bring honor back to his family


Good [+2] Eclipse Caste Solar: The Eclipse are the diplomats and negotiators of the Solars. Caste Powers: The Eclipse may sanctify oaths with essence to forge them into a powerful, binding pact. This costs 5 motes and all those who took the oath (including the eclipse) suffer a terrible curse if they break it. The oathbreaker will suffer a number of disastrous failures equal to the Eclipse's Type MOD at the time the oath. These are automatic failures on a single roll (treat it as rolling triple 1’s on a 3d6 roll), and always happen at the worst possible time (the GM decides when the failures strike). In addition the Eclipse are protected by powerful and ancient pacts sworn with the fair folk, spirits, elementals, and even the demon lords. So long as the exalt has legitimate business, him and his companions are protected and cannot be attacked without just cause. Finally Eclipse Exalts have the ability to learn the charms of other Exalts, Fair Folk, or spirits, learning such charms requires a tutor who knows the charm, twice as much experience, the mote cost for these charms is increased by 1. If these new charms require a Quality that it is not possible for the eclipse to take (such as the Lunar's Type Quality for their shapechanging Knacks) then the Eclipse may not learn the Charm.

Caste Qualities: As the peacemakers of the exalted the Eclipse favor Qualities related to negotiation, cultural knowledge, languages, and all forms of traveling. Examples: Smooth-Tongued Diplomat, Sailor of the West, and Comfortable in a Saddle, Cosmopolitan.

Master [+6] Whirling Grape Fang Style: Drunken Phoenix's combat style is a wildly unpredictable mish-mash of styles including drunken boxing and traditional duelist skills. He fights with an assortment of melee weapons, but his most common weapons are a war fan and chain daiklave.

Peony Blossom Attack – Allows up to Essence in additional attacks. 4 Motes/attack.

Saturnalia Memoriam Kick - If you take a drink (or hit, depending on your tastes) of something particularly strong while you make an attack (no penalty so long as it can be described well and you've got it on hand) then you add a number of upshifts to the attack's damage equal to the Failure Ranks inflicted by what you just drank. 2 Motes.

Orgiastic Fugitive Form - For the rest of the scene you may use your intoxication as an aid in combat (once per action or reaction), removing one Failure Rank due to intoxication and adding an upshift to either attack or defense. This does not count as charm use, but does count towards your maximum bonus from things like Solar Excellency. This bonus might also be applied to other rolls if you can provide an appropriate justification or a good Stunt. 4 Motes.

Seven Shadows Evasion - There are no Flaws of Invulnerability. Instead, perfect defenses allow the reduction of all damage from a sucessful attack to 1 Failure Rank. Like the standard they may block/dodge the unblockable/dodgable but only against expected attacks. 6 motes.

Master [+6] Voice Like Silk And Honey: With a velvet tongue and a devious twinkle in his eye, Drunken Phoenix is a master of persuasion, seduction and social manipulation.

Solar Excellency - 3 motes/upshift.

Heart Compelling Method - Forces the listeners to intensely experience a desired emotion (usually giving them a new Poor [-2] Weakness related to the emotion) when used as part of a perfomance with the intent to inspire such feelings. Attempting to shake off the emotion subjects the victim to a Failure Rank attack, those who are Zeroed Out cannot escape the feeling. 5 motes.

Tongue-Stuttering Interruption Style - By dismissively interrupting another character the Solar may negate the effect of a verbal social or mental attack, whether on himself or someone else. This is treated like a Perfect Defense, any successful attack is reduced to a single Failure Rank. 6 Motes.

Expert [+4] Three-String Courtesan: Growing up in a family heavily involved in the Great Game has given Drunken Phoenix great insight into the way that social courts and functions operate, as well as a fair amount of musical talent.

Hypnotic Tunes Technique - All who witness or hear the performance cannot help but become smitten by it. This does not force listeners to stay or prevent them from interfering with the performance, but so long as they can witness or listen the performance they cannot help but be distracted by it. This charm adds the attached Quality’s MOD to the TN (or the value of opposed rolls) for those listening to notice anything other than what is involved in the performance. 4 motes.

Expert [+4] Vigor-Decaying Fang: After inflicting damage with the weapon it makes a second attack (using only it's base quality rank, but since it's already hit this second attack can't be parried or evaded). Any damage inflicted by this second attack goes immediately towards Qualities focused on strength, if no such quality exists then 1 Damage Rank is 'spent' giving the victim a new weakness: Poor [-2] Weak. Any further damage after that is inflicted on qualities of the victim's choosing, like normal. The chain diaklave's exceptional reach and additional utility as a chain weapon is probably a good secondary ability.

Good [+2] Secretive Mind: By remaining in Calin after his exile, Drunken Phoenix is constantly putting himself in danger. He has learned to guard his words and his thoughts carefully.

Good [+2] Cast-Iron Constitution: It is surprising to everyone that Drunken Phoenix's alcohol consumption and general debauchery haven't killed him already.

Clarity-of-mind-Moment - For the rest of the scene, you ignore any Failure Ranks due to intoxication (whether recreational, or the effects of drugs or poison). These Failure Ranks still exist, but they no longer penalize you and do not even count towards becoming zeroed out, although once this charm fades they apply again in full force and will likely cause you to tip right over. 1 mote.

Durability of Oak Meditation - Transforms the attached Quality into an Armor-Like Quality against a single attack. 1 mote.

Poor [-2] Victim To His Vices: Drunken Phoenix loves wine, women and song and is easily swayed by any of them.

Curse: Overindulgence

Essence: Personal 12, Peripheral 22

Special Move: No Boundaries Assault: Only works on female victims. Drunken Phoenix makes a tactless maneuver; a removal of his opponent's clothing or a suggestive remark. In his opponent's state of fury or embarrassment, he performs a surprise attack. This could apply to both combat and social situations, but it only works on one sex.

XP: 0 (1 Quality raised to Master [3], 1 Quality Raised to Expert [3], New Quality Purchased [6])