King Veshnakai's Treasure

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Brother Brogan

Brother Brogan is a devout servant of Pango. Pango is a 3-aspected diety, the creator (symbolized as a mallet, often crossed with a chisel), the keeper (symbolized as a craftsman's hammer) and the destroyer (a sledge or maul). As a youth Brogan felt the call to joint the destroyer sect and more recently has transferred to the keeper sect. He believes that Pango is the one true god and feels no pity for what happens to worshippers of other lesser deities.

He has learned spells from all 3 sects, the highest being Create Object, Major Healing, and Shatter, representing the 3 aspects. His skills do not reflect the creator sect.

He is played by Whutaguy

Brother Brogan (150 points) Age 23; Human; 5'-9"; 170; Blonde hair, brown eyes, Armor covered in script around an enamelled red hammer

ST 13 [30]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0]. Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]. Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Block 0; Dodge 9; Parry 10 (Axe/Mace).

Advantages Clerical Investment [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Danger Sense [15]; Literacy (TL4 and below) [10]; Magery 2 [20]; Magery 0 [5].

Disadvantages Bad Temper (12 or less) [-10]; Colorblindness [-10]; Fanaticism (Pango) [-15]; Gregarious [-10]; Honesty (12 or less) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10]; Truthfulness (12 or less) [-5]. Quirks: Battle cry: "As Hammerien wills, it is done!"; Calls non-hammerites "Heathen"; Marks everything with scripture; Prefers flat foods. pancakes, pies, etc; Requests donation after healings [-5].

Skills Axe/Mace-12 (DX) [2]; Herb Lore/TL3-10 (IQ-2) [2]; Naturalist-10 (IQ-2) [1]; Public Speaking-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Two-Handed Axe/Mace-13 (DX+1) [4]. Theology-11 (IQ) [2]

Spells Complex Illusion-12 [1]; Create Earth-12 [1]; Create Object-13 [4]; Earth to Stone-12 [1]; Find Weakness-12 [1]; Ignite Fire-12 [1]; Lend Energy-12 [1]; Lend Vitality-12 [1]; Major Healing-12 [2]; Minor Healing-15 [8]; Perfect Illusion-12 [1]; Purify Water-12 [1]; Seek Air-12 [1]; Seek Earth-12 [1]; Seek Water-12 [1]; Shape Earth-12 [1]; Shatter-12 [2]; Simple Illusion-12 [1]; Sound-12 [1]; Weaken-13 [2].

Equipment: Steel Breastplate, Pothelm, Leather arms, legs, gloves and boots, Maul, Backpack, Blanket, $15

Encumberance: light (58 lbs) Move 4 Dodge 8

Jeff Conaway as Brother Brogan


ST 10, DX 14 (80) IQ 12 (40) HT 10

HP 10 Will 12 Per 12 FP 10 Basic Lift 20 Basic Speed 4.8 Basic Move 4 Damage Thr 1D-2 Sw 1D

Advantages (26) Attractive (4), High Manual Dex (5), Night vision (2), Talent Thief (15)

Disadvantages (38) Curious (5), Impulsive (10), Low Status (5), Overconfident (5), Magic Susceptability (3) Struggling (10)

Skills (42) Acting 11 (1) Body Language 11 (1), Bow 14 (2), Climbing 15 (2), Disguise 11 (1), Fast Talk 11 (1), Filch 16 (2), Forced Entry 15 (1), Forgery 11 (1), Garrote 15(2), Knife 15 (2), Light Walk 14 (1), Lip reading 12 (2), Lockpicking 14 (2), Make up 12 (1), Merchant 11 (1), Observation 13 (2), Pan Handling 13 (1), Pickpocket 15 (2), Scrounging 12 (1), Search 13 (2), Shadowing 13 (2), Shortsword 12 (2), Sleight of Hand 14 (1), Stealth 15 (2) Traps 14 (2), Urban Survival 12 (2).

Equipment good quality lockpicks, a knife and a garrotte. She has about 7 copper and the clothes on her back.

Sparrow is a small young woman about 20yrs old, slim build brown eyes brown hair. Her earliest memories are of not having enough to eat and begging. As she got older she taught herself to thieve. Being a thief was preferable in her mind to being a prostitute. When she was 15 her master got caught and his ring broken up. Sparrow managed to avoid the net and struck out on her own. She’s had some good times and some bad, right now she could use some work.

Keira Knightly as Sparrow