Silver Fox Lin´s Signature Style
Silver Fox Lin´s signature style
Lin´s signature style is, unsurprisingly, based on the Stealth skill. Yeah, I kind of eyed Walking in Shadows and decided that it was less than satisfactory - not one of the most elegant MRB styles. This is her alternative, and it mostly focuses on her latent fox-spirit abilities.
Color: Silver
Skill: Stealth
1: im in ur base Nothing and no one can spot Silver Fox Lin on the move! Her ninja style trumps all!
- Add (Silver) to a Stealth roll
- Automatically win "defense ties" against an opponent´s Awareness/Senses roll to spot you
2: killing ur mans Also, few things are as amusing as jumping someone from cover. The look on their faces!
- Make a Stealth roll vs. your opponent´s Awareness; on a Critical Success, you gain Surprise for one attack.
- On a succesful hit, the damage from your surprise attack is Chilling.
3: Wire-fu Lin has watched the Matrix about a hundred times, but she fast-forwards to the action scenes so that she can train to be as cool as Neo.
- Add (silver) to one Athletics roll
- -2d to an opponent´s Defense for one attack
4: Annoying house fly stance If there is something that Lin truly masters, it is the art of escaping harm!
- You can dodge Unparallelled attacks for 1 round
- This technique costs 1 Joss of either kind to activate
5: Supreme Trickster Stance Calling on her sorta-divine heritage, Lin explodes in motion!
- Add (Silver) to all Athletics, Stealth and Finesse rolls.
- Investment: for as long as your Wu Wei is effectively lowered by 2, this tech is "on".
- Flaw: weakened protective air: with her chi tied up like this, it cannot protect her as well!