King Of Vagabonds Style

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Uncommon White

Brutal (kicks &punches)

Criticals: Disorient, Stun

Developed by the cunning bandit and wanderer known only as the August Falling Leaves Vagabond, King of Vagabonds Style is a fighting style of noble bandits – because the Vagabond fought against opression and injustice by relieving the wealthy of their possessions and redistributing them to the needy! As for himself, it is rumored that he only ever kept trophies from defeated enemies for himself – from the people he helped, he only ever accepted a serving of rice and a place to sleep for the night. Though magnificently powerful, the styleis rumored to be powerless towards the truly selfless – it strikes at the heartless, not those with their hearts already filled with compassion!

Signature: The practitioners of this style move so quickly that they seem to flicker out of existence, only to reappear in other places!

1: Proud Wanderer Smiles at Death

 *Air-walking (White, 2p): Add favored Chi as Mobility mod, like with Lightfoot. (CM, +1p)
 *Strength of Chi I (Colorless, 1p): Add (White Chi) to Speed.
 *Elusive (White, 1p): Count as one range category further for Ranged attacks.
 *Weapon Control I (white, 0p): Draw your weapon as a Free Action.
 *Persistence II (Jade, 2p): Duration: 1 rd.
 *Flaw: Stifled Air (Crimson) (-1p) 
 *(Also using -1p from the Brutal restriction)

2: Ten Shadow Bandit Attitude

 *Strike Equalization (White, 2p, color match+1p): Strike of me and opponent set to 0 after all bonuses (such as Kung Fu) are added.
 *Movement II (White, 2p): +5 to attacks and blocks
 *Strength of Chi I (Colorless, 1p): Add (White) to Damage.
 *Persistence II (jade, 2p): Duration 1 rd.
 *Flaw: You are infected with a Joy Weakness: you must spend 2 Free Actions bragging about your prowess and taunting your opponent or lose 1 Speed until your next Initiative. This is ignored if you are currently suffering from [Embarassing]. (-2p)

3: Vagabond Plucks the Fruit

 *Make an attack. You can opt to "spend" the result dice from this attack. If this reduces the rd down to 0, the attack does no damage. For each result die so spent, you can steal one object that your opponent has on his person. (Custom, Gold, 2 points)
 *Combat Effects III (Crimson, 3p) On a standard success, you Disarm your opponent.
 *Weapon Control I (White, 1p, color match+1p): You can call a Disarmed weapon to your hand as a FA.
 *Weapon Control 0 (White, 0p): You can tuck away all the stolen objects (including weapons) on your person as a Free Action. This does not automatically hide them from view.
 *Flaw: Principle of Kuan (Powerless against a truly selfless person, which is to say one with 4+ Deeds of the Kuan virtue).

4: Laughing Proud Fool Dances with Demons

 *Combat Effects IV (Crimson, 4 p): On a standard success, attacks are Redirected towards another target, who must be in Melee range.
 *Combat Effects IV (Crimson, 4 p): On a Critical success, you also get a Reply towards attackers.
 *Weapon control 0: chopping block (White, 0p): Win defensive ties.
 *Fancy Footwork I (White, 1p) (color match): Automatically Shuffle out of tight spots.
 *Flaw: Weakened protective air (-2p)
 *Flaw: You are infected with a Joy Weakness: you must spend 2 Free Actions bragging about your prowess and taunting your opponent or lose 1 Speed until your next Initiative. This is ignored if you are currently suffering from [Embarassing]. (-2p)

5: Vagabond Teaches Humility

 *Chi locking – Perfect (Jade, 8p): On a succesful hit, opponent is prevented from spending Chi for an amount of rds equal to your King of Vagabonds skill.
 *Ineffable feat III (Colorless, 3p): Make a Secondary Attack after everyone else has had their turn.
 *Strike Negation I (White, 1p) (Color match)- 5 to your opponent´s Strike to defend.
 *Persistence II (Jade, 2p): Duration 1 rd.
 *Flaw: Principle of Kuan (-2p)
 *Flaw: Stifled Air (Crimson) (-1p)
 *Flaw: Expended fortune (-3p)