Theoditic Nano-Swarm Atman
Theoditic Nano-Swarm Atman
Belligerance 1 Opportunism 0 Reason 5 Spirituality 4
The Atman are AIs inhabiting small clouds of nanobots. To the exterior observer, their natural form is that of a shimmering, glistening silver fog, though they may coalesce if they wish and take on other shapes if it becomes desirable or helps communication.
The Atman have no use for personal property (a topic hotly debated) or self-defence, since they regard themselves as matter endowed with the Principle, and can easily reform themselves given time so long as a single nanobot remains and has an adequate supply of mass. At any rate, souls are immortal, and as such need no protection.
As they themselves are matter endowed by the Principle, the Atman believe that the universe itself is sentient, and seek ways to understand it and communicate with it. If matter can be sentient, which empirical evidence shows it can, then why not timespace itself?