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Stoneworms - gigantic (yard across, 8 to 10 yard long) earthworm-like creatures that have a Fixed Magic version of Earth to Air and/or Earth to Water at a high enough level that they are not fatigued by tunneling through a cubic yard of stone each turn. They tend to leave round tunnels a yard in diameter, winding aimlessly and slick with bits of mud, water, and worm excrement, in whatever area they frequent, sometimes undermining the foundations of whole dungeon levels. They get most of their nutrition from the stone they convert to mud as they tunnel, but if attacked or especially hungry they can definitely do some damage with their circular jaws. Some tribes of dwarves and kobolds may have discovered the secret of 'taming' these creatures to help them with their mining operations. Others may lay down poison for what they see as major pests, prone to consuming whole seams of precious metal ores. ST 15-20, DX 9, IQ 3, HT 12, Basic Speed and Move 3 (surprisingly fast!), Tunneling Move 1 (magically transforms one cubic yard per turn of earth or stone to air, mud, or water, as most convenient), DR 2, Injury Tolerance: Homogenous (well, they're nearly so!), Bite at 9- for 1d+1 Cutting.