Arctic Smile

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Revision as of 05:26, 11 March 2008 by Bmsattler (talk | contribs)
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North of Shin Zhou City, pushing against the roof of the world lies the vast United Republics of the Red Star, or URRS for short. Though advanced in technology, this communist state fears and desires the power wielded by those who know kung fu. So they sent forth a group of exchange students to study the ways of their southern neighbours, under the stricts understanding that they’d teach others their styles upon their return to the motherland. In preparation they all received military training equal to that of a trooper, as well as some top secret treatment known only as the Iron Curtain Project. The process is unknown, but it’s had the effect of making her more resilient than you’d normally expect for even a wulin warrior.


Arctic Smile is a tall athletic blonde with a thick Russian accent. Her skin is white and her golden hair is either braided or hung loose when she wants to make an impression. She’s very fond of her hair and spends a lot of time grooming it. As a strange side effect of Iron Curtain she has opposite reactions to temperatures; in summer she wears thick fur coats, shawls, and woolen mittens. But in icy winters she goes around in skimpy red shorts and a red tanktop that proudly displays her nation’s star in a golden border. Like a good russian should, she enjoys boisterous singing, vodka, and skinnydipping in icewater.


Soviets are fun and should be included in any game. The URRS is of course taken from The Red Star comics.

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