Arbon, Artificier and Fey Touched Wanderer.
Arbon D'Cannith
- Male Human Artificer 15
- Chaotic Good Region of Origin: Breland
- Dragonmarked House: Cannith [Mark of Making]
- Size: Medium Height: 6' 1" Weight: 185 lb Skin: Tan Eyes: Green Hair: Blond; Beard
- Strength 10/12 (+0/+1)
- Dexterity 14/16 (+2/+3)
- Constitution 12 (+1)
- Intelligence 18/24 (+4/+7)
- Wisdom 10 (+0)
- Charisma 14 (+2)
- Total Hit Points: 36 +14d6
- Armor Class: 12 = 10 +2 [dexterity]
- Touch AC: 12
- Flat-footed: 10
- Initiative modifier:+2
- Fortitude save: +6
- Reflex save: +7
- Will save: +9
- Attack (handheld): +11/+6/+1
- Attack (unarmed): +11/+6/+1
- Attack (missile): +13/+8/+3
- Grapple check: +11/+6/+1
- Speed: 30 feet
- Feats:
- Simple weapons
Lt, Med Armour, Shields.
- 1st: Scribe scroll, Nymphs kiss, Legendary Artisan
- 2nd: Brew potion
- 3rd: Craft wondrous item, Improved toughness.
- 4th: Extraordinary Artisan
- 5th: Craft Magic Arms and armour.
- 6th: Empower spell, Craft wand
- 7th:
- 8th: Attune Magic weapon.
- 9th: Craft Rod, Wand mastery
- 10th:
- 11th:
- 12th: Craft staff, Extra rings. Maximise spell
- 13th:
- 14th: Forge ring
- 15th: Quicken spell
- Traits:
- Action Points: 12 (this level)
- Skills 188pts (assuming book bought/found at 4th level, may be later)
- Languages: Common Elven Giant Orc Sylvan
- Appraise (Int) 15
- Concentration (Con) 19
- Craft: Alchemy (Int) 15
- Craft: Weaponsmithing (Int) 10
- Craft: Armorsmithing (Int) 12
- Craft: Sculpting (Int) 15
- Craft: Blacksmithing (Int) 15
- Craft: Woodworking (Int) 10
- Disable device (Int) 22
- Kn: Arcana (Int) 15
- Kn: Architecture & Engineering (Int) 10
- Kn: The planes (Int) 10
- Open Locks (Dex) 19
- Search(Int) 22
- Spellcraft(Int) 15
- Use Magic Device (Cha) 20
- Synergy
- Craft 5 ranks gives +2 on related appraise checks.
- Know Architecture 5 ranks gives +2 on search checks for secret doors.
- Search 5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks while tracking.
- Spellcraft 5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks on scrolls.
- Use Magic Device 5 ranks gives +2 on spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls.
- First-level Artificer infusions: 5 (4+1) per day
- Second-level Artificer infusions: 5 (4+1) per day:
- Third-level Artificer infusions: 4 (3+1) per day:
- Fourth-level Artificer infusions: 4 (3+1) per day:
- Fifth-level Artificer infusions: 3 per day:
- Sixth-level Artificer infusions: 2 per day:
Gear Light load: 33 lb. or less Medium load: 34-66 lb Heavy load: 67-100 lb Lift over head: 100 lb Lift off ground: 200 lb Push or drag: 500 lb.
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