Magnificent B*stardry

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A page devoted to chronicling the heroes and their various morally ambiguous or outright criminal actions taken in the service of "The Greater Good" or done in moments of weakness. This is a thread meant to helpfully remind player characters that they can stretch the bounds of alignment pretty far in Eberron and even cross it over. They don't have to necessarilly be the character's fault, merely show they're well in the bounds of being 'fallen' heroes.

It's fun after all that THESE are the good guys.

Cassius Du'Shadowfast[edit]

  • Is the son of King Kaius the Vampire Lord and Kazandra the Lich.
  • Kept a Succubus lover in Mayalanthas.
  • Was depicted as a boozing, unfaithful, and neglectful husband to Alice prior to her first death.
  • Gave the Chalice of Bahamut to Pyriel in exchange for Alice's return.
  • Sold Trent into slavery for courting his daughter Mina.
  • Killed his own daughter Mina after she became a Vampire.
  • Renounced the Sovereign Host under torture to embrace the Blood of Vol.
  • Was a bored and neglectful father of his son, Saber.
  • Created Karrnath's Doctrine of Commando tactics during the Last War.
  • Renounced the Blood of Vol because it was politically expedient.
  • Murdered Melissa's Great Aunt during the Last War despite them being lovers (to be fair, it was a pitched battle)
  • Deserted the Karrnath Army and took over Caer Shadowfast as his own Domain.
  • Ruled it with an Iron Fist for 3 1/2 years.
  • Made a deal with the Balor Orkus to let them pass and defeat Hastur.
  • Created the Watchmen to bring peace to Khorvaire by force.
  • Took half of Cyre's treasury for himself and used the other half to bribe Prince Oargev into making him a nobleman.
  • Tried and failed to make a deal with Lord Shadowspawn to limit the Emerald Claw's expansion.
  • Made an alliance with Alurra the Quori to take over Sarlona.
  • Secretly arranged for Trent to be hired to assassinate Merrix II.
  • Joined the Aurrum in order to gain financial resources.
  • Negotiated Merrix III's truce with Baroness Jorlanna.
  • Brought the Lord of Blade's willingness to have a Lightning Rail through the Mournlands with Aaren D'Cannith's journals.
  • Made a pact with Pyriel to serve as his host body in a moment of religious fervor.
  • Sent Thelia to seduce Merrix III.
  • Married Maya Ir'Wynarn despite being in love with Melissa.
  • Plotted to transform Pyriel into an Archangel in order to get him out of his body.
  • Had the real King Kaius III murdered so that his father's position would become untenable.
  • Coordinated with Merrix III to conquer Lhazaar to bring it into Galifar (and end the Khorvaire slave trade)
  • Encouraged Kiri to be neutral in the war between Gruden and King Kaius despite knowing Gruden's cause was just.
  • Blew up the Golden Dragon City with the Golden Dragon airship's weapons to contain Lindsey's vampire infection.
  • Pardoned Drake solely because it would be politically expedient to screw with Merrix III.


  • Was raised by the 12 Deadly Gods since childhood.
  • Became a gladiator under the Goblins in Dargunn.
  • Murdered Gerald's Uncle and Lady Love during the early part of the Last War.
  • Vowed to kill Cassius despite his relative weakness by comparison and his beloved status in Shadowfast.
  • Murdered a half dozen members of the Trust in Zilargo for money.
  • Slept with feuding Elvish Sisters from the Two Shadow Houses.
  • Overall is an incurable lecher.
  • Overall is an incurable drunk.
  • Overall is an incurable gambler.
  • Overall is a violent maniac.
  • Assassinated Merrix II for money.
  • Won a crooked legal vote for Kiri's family through legal flim flam and bribery.
  • Murdered Pai Mai with the aid of Lindsey the Vampire and Sally.
  • Lead the Reidrans into the Golden Dragon Monastary to provide them a distraction to get to Zhengyi.
  • Is currently working to ruin Merrix financially simply to amuse himself and aid Drake (a man he despises).

Maya Ir'Wynarn[edit]

  • Spent her entire childhood stricken with symptoms resembling Autism and Schizophrenia followed by intense abuse that helped drive her mad as Alice in American MaGee's Alice in Wonderland.
  • Cured her madness largely with the result of pledging her soul in a contract to the Radiant Idol Pyriel.
  • Murdered a Wererat simply because he registered as evil.
  • Stalked the various Shifters and Werewolves of Shadowfast because of her need for attention.
  • Attempted to murder Thelia's animal Lord.
  • Attempted to murder her own Animal Lord.
  • Transformed Gerald into a puppy to keep for a week.
  • Is implied to be unfaithful to Cassius with several female lovers but he doesn't mind.
  • ...One of whom is her Succubus great great grandmother.
  • Attempts to create a harem for Cassius, again to his lack of minding.
  • Gave her spark willingly to Pyriel despite having renounced him, thus allowing him to ascend to Godhood.
  • Is voluntarily working to make Cassius Emperor of Galifar, despite the horrors of the Last War.