SHELTER:Carter Postma
Carter Micah Postma
Snoop 3
Clever Prodigy
Action Dice : 3d4
Reputation : 14
XP : 3.150
STR 11 (+0)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 17 (+3)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1)
BAB: +1
Defence: 14
Initiative: +3
Vitality: 15
Wounds: 10
Unarmed: +1
Melee: +1
Ranged: +2
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +3
Will: +3
Stress Threshold: 13
Subdual Threshold: 10
Knowledge: +6
Request: +4
Gear: +4
Astute (action die spent on Int/Wis checks = 2 dice)
Flawless search (any failed Analysis or Search check that isn't an error is considered success if DC =/< class level + 20)
Intercept communication 1/session (intercept next phone call, e-mail, etc. from one person or place without making skill roll; also learn address, phone number, frequency, etc.)
Intuition I (as a 1 minute action, Carter can request free hint from GC; if GC refuses, Carter gains 1 AD)
Analysis +9/+7 (6 ranks, cap 35)
Blend +7/+7 (6 ranks, cap 30)
Bluff +6 (5 ranks, cap 30)
Bureaucracy +7 (6 ranks, cap 30)
Computers +9 (6 ranks, cap 30)
Cultures (North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe) +4 (1 rank, cap 20)
Drive (Personal Ground Vehicle, Standard Ground Vehicle) +2 (1 rank, cap 20)
Electronics +9/+7 (6 ranks, cap 30)
Investigation +7/+7 (6 ranks, cap 30)
Notice +7 (6 ranks, 30 cap)
Profession +7 (Codebreaker, Musician) (6 ranks, cap 30)
Science (Mathematics, Programming) +12 (9 ranks, cap 40)
Search +9 (6 ranks, cap 35)
Sense Motive +4/+4 (3 ranks, cap 20)
Feats: Cryptographer, Living Cipher, Unlocked Potential (Science (Mathematics))
Proficiencies: Handgun (forte), Unarmed
Interests: music theory, contemporary composers, photography
Subplot: Mystery (Carter intercepted a coded e-mail several months ago. He hasn't been able to break down the code completely, but based one what he's figured out so far there's a strong chance SHELTER is mentioned more than once. The sender -- -- bounces back anything sent to it. The thing is, even after this, he's intercepted a few more e-mails from root; and again, SHELTER is almost definitely mentioned. Carter isn't sure of the content or context of the messages, but just the fact that they're mentioning SHELTER is something that's troubling him.)
Contacts: Martin Landsman, NSA trainer
Acquaintance: Security
Associate: Assembly (1 table)
Wealth: 3
Lifestyle: 3 (Loft in Baltimore, small sedan, common street look +0)
Possessions: 1 (FN Browning High-Power (9mmP, holster + additional load of non-lethal ammo); All-purpose replacement cipher (Code -- PR 1); Police scanner; Common items: cell phone, small pen flashlight, pack of AA batteries, tablet, several pens, signal mirror, folder with several sheets of music, viola, thumbed-through western novel, caffeine pills, several packs of over-the-counter painkillers, pitch pipe, stopwatch)
Spending Cash: 2 ($400)
Gear Picks: 2 Tradecraft, 1 Gadget, 1 CHA, 5 common items, up to one reserve pick
Origin Abilities: +2 Int, -2 Con, +1 bonus to skill checks determining surprise, +1 insight to Reflex save, bonus feat (Unlocked Potential), additional skill points, additional class skills (Analysis, Search)
Class Abilities: Astute, flawless search, intercept communication 1/session, intuition I
Transcript #34712
C. Postma (A) and M. Landsman (B)
04.11.06 13:10
Location unknown
Partial recording
A: --not sure if that's a good idea.
B: Explain.
A: I'm happy here. I feel like I'm doing a good job, with the team I'm on.
B: You're doing a great job. But you can do better.
A: But what--
B: Listen, you'll get adjusted quickly over there. They're good people.
A: (silence)
B: This wouldn't be anything new to you. Think about it. You were dragged into the business to begin with--
A: --this isn't a good selling point--
B: --and the guys over in (name obscured by static) are top-notch. They need someone like you.
A: Hmmm.
B: And I think you need people like them.
A: What do yo--wait. Something is...
(transmission ends abruptly)