Tamur e'Milek
Tamur e'Milek Human male, 25 years old Culture: Nomad Parents' occupation: Herders Profession: Hunter
STR - 14 CON - 14 HP 15 SIZ - 16 INT - 16 POW - 11 MP 11 DEX - 17 APP - 13
DEX SR 2 SIZ SR 1 Damage Modifier +1d4
Jump - 33 Ride - 68 Throw - 47
Animal Lore - 47 First Aid - 28 Plant Lore - 28 World Lore - 28
Conceal - 32
Listen - 50 Scan - 74 Search - 52 Track - 49
Hide - 37 Sneak - 37
Fist Attack - 52 Dagger Attack - 42 1h Spear Attack - 59 Bow - 66 Buckler Parry - 57
The extra 50% were spent on Hide and sneak each 20 and Buckler 10.
Leather armour for 1 point all over, except for head which has a 2 point hood
Tamur is of the Black Sands age group because that is where he and the other boys became men.The People have several places where the young boys are initiated, dispersed through their migratory area. They are all secret though, and Tamur has no idea where the others are. Not officially anyway. And he doesn't know where girls become women either, that is clearly very secret. When he asked the old men about it they just cuffed him and said it was none of his business. What is not secret though is that he is a member of Grand Aunt Milek's Tent Group and has a place in the outer ring, near the flap among the other young men in the men's tent. The tent is very large and made up of many different sections, the best is in the center where the older men sleep when they aren't summoned to the sex tent by one of the women. He'd really like to go there himself, but hasn't been invited yet. But he did find a knotted horsehair bracelet in his sleeping furs recently though, so someone has claimed him. He hopes it's Isso e'Nirak who is very pretty, but he doesn't know the knots very well so can't be sure. She did smile at him the day after though. He has many sisters and they all laughed at him when he showed them the bracelet, and told him it probably was one of the old women. He hopes they are wrong. When he found the bracelet he knew he would have to go away for a while and if he came back with something to make him famous, the bracelet maker would make herself known. A man can become famous in many ways and the most common is to raid and steal from enemies, but you can also bring back something new or make something fine. As long as you impress the woman. If he is very successfull several women may want to claim him. Old Partek always braggs about how he invented a new song and didn't sleep in the men's tent for a whole season. Tamur hasn't decided yet on what to do, but he is a fine scout and hunter so bringing back some strange animal is a possibility. One of those tiny dragon things perhaps. A city man once spoke of having heard of them, small lizards smart enough to be trained to keep vermin out. If he could find some of those he'd be very famous. If the city man didn't lie to him.
He is a proud man and always wears his Lo-knife like the other men and his favorite bow. He dresses in a loose robe over supple leathers and a bone plate helmet when he has to fight. His long black hair is still worn in the young men's fashion but he has a few bravery tokens woven into the thick braid. He also has a fine horse he stole from enemies last year. One of those fat merchants from the coast cities. He's heard that the city people give their animals names, but that is wrong. Animals only have a body soul and only beings with person souls can have names. So when you hear Tamur call his horse Red Mane you know it's not a name, just a description. Like ever sensible man he doesn't much like the city people, they are like children and not very smart. Cunning though and liable to cheat you trading unless you are on your guard.
There are lots of strange peoples and beasts and you sometimes have to fight them. All except the Ahram. They almost never leave the deep desert but when they do you must always help them. Tamur isn't sure why, but the old men claim it's an old pact of sorts and that you must never harm one of the gray skins. He's never seen one himself, but the older men remember going to their cities to trade. Tamur hopes he will be selected to go when he has proven himself worthy.