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Calendar Systems

There are four known calendar systems:

  • Year of Krondhiem (YK) counting forward from the establishment of Krondhiem. YK is still used by Dwarves and was the only widely used calandar system until the rise of the Order of Man, in YK1261.
  • The human calendar system used today throughout human civilization is based on the foundation of the Order of Man by prophet Narek (YK1261), which is known as Order Year, 1 (OY 1). Dates before the establishment of the Order, are usually designated in YK.

Present day is 602 OY or YK1863.



Dating from before written records were kept are the legends and folk tales of from the tribal cultures of the Wood Elves and the Halflings of the plains. Many of these oral tradition have been written down by human and high-elf scholars, but there is much dispute as to the vericity and the exact date of such legends. Elvish writings talk of an ancient race of fey which they are descended from. These "true elves" were undisputed masters of the forested lands, and were said to be immortal. Tales tell of a King and a Queen who each ruled their faction of the fair folk, eternally at war. These "true elves" mixed their blood with the creatures of the earth and thus the gnomes and the wood elves were born, which was their undoing. "True elves" are fascinated by music, which they cannot make, and cannot abide iron, which the mortal races discovered. As the gnomes and elves began to make tools of iron and songs and instruments of music, the "true elves" retreated from the world.

Gnomes who follow the elemental pantheon call the fairy queen, Freda, and the king Fredon, and consider them to be the dual aspects of the god of air.

Dwarvish History (YK1-YK820)

The earliest written history dates back to more than 1200 years before Narek, and is from ancient rune-carved tablets from the old Dwarven Kingdom of Krondheim. These tablets encode the histories of Dwarven kings and heros, and from these tablets historian have deduced the following:

  • Humans had a tribal culture on the isles and on the eastern shores below the mountains and worshiped the spirits of their ancestors.
  • Halflings had a tribal culture on the plains north of Shadow Wood and worshiped the spirits of their ancestors.
  • Elves had a tribal culture in the forest of shadow wood and worshiped the spirits of their ancestors.
  • Dwarves ruled Krondheim (now Estvald) and worshiped the Elemental pantheon.
  • Gnomes ruled Green Hills and worshiped the Elemental pantheon.
  • Giants ruled Westvald and worshiped the Elemental pantheon.
  • Humanoids had a tribal culture in the Northern forest and worshiped the Elemental pantheon.

Rise of Golanism (YK820-YK1261)

  • YK820 (circa) Humans in Wellsland discover the monotheistic religion of Golanism.
  • YK820-YK850 Golanism spreads throughout Wellsland, scrolls of Golan are written, and literacy and civilization spreads along with the religion. Humans build temples and begin to form into larger communities.
  • YK900 The first island-wide kingdom of humans is founded in Wellsland by 12 tribal elders, who elect a king. Humans thrive on Wellsland.
  • YK1000 Golanist humans from wellsland leave the isles and settle the northern isles of Khole and Rhime and establish a settlement at the Bernast at the mouth of the Dannick river.
  • YK1020 Golanist humans attempt to establish themselves on the shores of Prolia and are slaughtered by the tribal humans that live there.
  • YK1000-YK1260 Golanists spread throughout the isles, building temples and cities and bringing literacy and learning as they go. Golanists on the continent spread along the Dannick and Red Rivers and make peace with the nomadic halflings who live on the plains. Many halflings convert to golanism and live alongside the humans.

Rise of the Order of Man (YK1261/1 OY)

  • YK1229 Narek is born in Bernast.
  • YK1246 Young Narek preaches of the rightful place of humans above all others and gathers a large number of loyal followers.
  • YK1256 Narek travels to Wellsland, bringing his message of humanity's place in the cosmos. His message is accepted amongst many humans.
  • YK1261/1 OY Before a massive crowd in Nolton Square (now Ascension Square) Nolton ascends to heaven, climbing a marble staircase into a nimbus of light. Before he departs, he says to his followers that all who follow in his footsteps will be rewarded with eternal bliss in the light of God in Heavan.
  • YK1261/1 OY A Wellsland follower of Narek, Beldrew, begins to build Saint Beldrew Cathedral in Nolton, it takes him 40 years to complete it.

Fall of Krondhiem (YK1339/79 OY)

  • YK1339 (OY 279) Giants in Westvald, have a civil war.
  • YK1358 Frost Giants, Fire Giants, and Stone Giants accopanied by an army of Ogres, Ettins and Trolls, invade Krondhiem.
  • YK1380 Greenhill surrenders to the Giants. Remaining Dwarves flee into human lands.
  • YK1390 Mount Cragmore is granted to the Dwarves in exchange for a treaty of trade with Wellsland.
  • YK1397 The Dragons of Silverpeak all depart to the west, leaving behind their mountain fiefdom.
  • YK1400 A band of Dwarves rid the un-occupied Silverpeak of monstrous residents that moved in after the Dragons left. They decide to claim it for Dwarfs.
  • YK1402 Twelve years after being granted Mount Cragmore, more than 1000 Dwarves now occupy it, Thane Shi'Grom takes the widow of his slain brother as his second wife.
  • YK1410 silverpeak mines are opened. 1500 Dwarves now claim silverpeak as thier own.
  • YK1424 Shi'Grom speaks to a combined council of Thanes about his plan to rebuild the dwarven peoples and retake Krondhiem. Modern dwarven family traditions take hold over the next 100 years.