Do Not Go Gentle: Centurion
Biographical Details
Alias: Centurion
Name: Allighiero Vittore
Date of Birth: February 14th 1912
Character Notes:
A fascist superhero, produced by the Nazi Ubermensche program via a combination of secret mystical and eugenic techniques. Centurion is obsessed with the Roman Empire, and believes that Mussolini was nothing less than Caesar reborn. He sees himself as a great general in the Roman mould, and with the fall of Mussolini is ready to step up to lead the country to a new Pax Romana.
True believer in the Fascist ideals. +6
Charisma of a born leader. +6
Strategist and wargamer. +4
Skilled soldier of Fascist Army. +4
Special Powers
Army of Stone – Can call human-sized statue warriors out of the ground, up to thirty three at a time, to fight for him. Summoning 3-4 statue warrior takes one action.
Skin of Stone – Reduce damage received by 5 pts. In addition to the above damage reduction, Centurion is entirely immune to "weedy" attacks like bullets, knives and fists.
Ubermensche – Triple margin of success on all physical-related tests, including combat.
Limited Flight – Centurion can fly, at a speed of 40 miles per hour with reasonable manoeuvrability.
Character by Asklepios 09:54, 29 April 2008 (PDT)