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Belligerence: 2 Opportunism: 5 Reason: 1 Spirituality: 2

The Naren are a human offshoot species that developed part by genetic tampering at the hands of malevolent captors and part by the fertile nature of their home world. They live in small, generally agricultural based towns. Their peaceful world is one of the hidden gems of the galaxy as the Naren are known for hospitality and willingness to serve. For the right price, often more interested in barting for goods and services rather than coin or new technologies, the Naren will join the crew of spacers looking for crew mates. Whats more Naren crew members are in high demand as cultural practice on their home world has no taboo about sexual acts. On a first trip to 41.900.677.GT, the closely guarded coordinates of their world, it is not uncommon for spacers to spend weeks simply walking up to bored Naren and asking for, sometimes insane favors.