The Jentarians
Belligerence: 1 Opportunism: 3 Reason: 3 Spirituality: 3
The Jentarians
The Jentarians are generally held to be the least helpful race in the known universe. Dealings of any kind with them can take days, even for some simple transactions, which is not to say they are especially bureaucratic but rather that they simple feel the need to take ostensibly long amounts of time completeing a given task. Jentarian ships occasionally rank among the largest freighter ships and also the most inefficient. The ships feature cobbled together hulls with seemingly randomly strewn in weaponry and docks, and usually feature several smokestacks and occasionally other seemingly anachronistic features such as waterwheels. Spacer's are advised to vacate the area when a Jentarian ship is prepping to use its jump drive as the reverberations (Jentarians adamantly refuse to install dampeners) can obliterate smaller ships within a large radius.
The average Jentarian is between three meters in height, bulbous with short pillar like legs. they have three eyes at the bottom of their faces and their mouths are located only centimeters above the first of their four stomachs. They are remarkably fortuitous and have been known to survive being cut open while un-sedated without even acknowledging the wounds.