In addition to the larger megafauna listed below, the world of the Twin Cities is also populated by prehistoric antelope, deer, goats, swine, and other beasts.
Megafauna Alphabetically
Auroch: [1] Auroch. Horned cattle that are herd herbivores found in the loess plains and taiga forest. They have been semi-domesticated by some Gorgades clans, and are domesticated in the Twin Cities.
Bear-dog: [2] Amphicyon. Predator found in the loess plains, taiga forest, and grasslands. The "sharp mother" of the Shrine of the Sharp Mother is a she bear-dog.
Big Neck: [3] Macrauchenia. Herd herbivores found in the southern savannah.
Bison: [4] Ancient bison. Herd herbivores found in grasslands, steppe wastes. Have been semi-domesticated by some Gorgades clans.
Bow Tooth: [5] Toxodon. Semiaquatic herbivores found in southern rivers.
Camelface: [6] Camelops. Herd herbivores found in the steppe wastes. Have been semi-domesticated by some Gorgades clans.
Cave Bear: [7] Cave bear. Omnivore found in western mountains.
Dire Elk: [8] Megaloceros. Herd herbivores found in the tundra. Domesticated by the Bammenides to pull their sleighs.
Dire Wolf: [9] Canis dirus. Pack predator found in the tundra, western mountains, loess plains, taiga forest, and grasslands.
Giant Armadillo: [10] Glyptodont. Herbivore found in the southern savannah.
Giant Beaver: [11] Castoroides. Semiaquatic herbivore found in the loess plains and northern rivers. Valuable for their fur.
Giant Crocodile: [12] Deinosuchus. Aquatic predator found in southern rivers and in the marshes of the Thousand Flowing Waters.
Giant Sloth: [13] Megatherium. Herbivore found in the grasslands and southern savannah. Very difficult to kill.
Giant Snake: [14] Gigantophis. Giant constrictor snake found in the southern jungles.
High Camel: [15] Alticamelus. Herd herbivores found in the southern jungles and southern savannah.
Hipparion: [16] Hipparion. Small, toed horses. Herd herbivores found in the steppe wastes; primary prey beast in the wastes. Have been semi-domesticated by some Gorgades clans.
Hooftoe: [17] Andrewsarchus. Predator and scavenger found in southern savannah.
Hornbeast: [18] Synthetoceras. Herd herbivores found in the western mountains, loess plains, grasslands, and steppe wastes. Have been semi-domesticated by some Gorgades clans.
Mammoth: [19] Mammoth. Wooly elephant, herbivore found in the tundra, loess plains, and steppe wastes. The legendary Gates of Ivory in the uttermost west are said to be made of mammoth ivory. A black mammoth figures in some prophecies of the end of the world.
Mastodon: [20] Mastodon. Elephantine herbivore found in the taiga forest.
Monster Bird: [21] Teratornis. Giant vulture; scavenger found in the western mountains and steppe wastes.
Monster Shark: [22] Megalodon. Huge aquatic predator found in the eastern ocean. They terrify all who sail on the eastern ocean. Followers of the Anointed King hunt them for their teeth and skin, and have concocted noxious depth bombs that occasionally drive them away, but often the monster shark is noticed too late.
Raccoon-Bear: [23] Chapalmalania. Herbivore found in the western mountains. Nearly extinct.
Sabertooth: [24] Smilodon. Ambush predator found in the loess plains, taiga forest, grasslands, steppe wastes, and southern savannah. The Hexadactyls have a particular religious dread of six-toed Sabertooths.
Shovel Tusker: [25] Platybelodon. Elephant-like herbivore found in grasslands, eastern marshes. Domesticated in Astomo and used as transportation, to transport loads, and also trained for war.
Stagmoose: [26] Cervalces. Herd herbivores found in the loess plains. Nearly extinct.
Thunder Beast: [27] Brontothere. Huge, herd herbivores found in the grasslands. Formerly roamed in vast herds hunted by the Makhlyes; now those herds are no more.
Thunder Bird: [28] Argentavis. Giant condor found in the western mountains and steppe wastes.
Terror Bird: [29] Diatryma. Flightless predatory bird found in the grasslands.
Terror Crane: [30] Phorusrhacos. Flightless predatory bird found in the southern savannah and southern jungles. The King of Dust has trains them and sharpens their talons for war to protect his people.
Whale Snake: [31] Basilosaurus. Aquatic predator found in the eastern ocean. They gather in the Gulf of Achrum to give birth to their calves in the winter, when they are hunted for their oil by the followers of the Anointed King
Megafauna by Region
Tundra – dire elk, dire wolf, mammoth
Loess Plains – auroch, bear-dog, dire wolf, hornbeast, mammoth, sabertooth, stagmoose Taiga Forest – auroch, bear-dog, dire wolf, mastodon, sabertooth
Mountains – cave bear, dire wolf, hornbeast, monster bird, raccoon bear, thunder bird
Grasslands – bear-dog, bison, dire wolf, giant sloth, hornbeast, sabertooth, shovel tusker, thunder beast, terror bird
Marshes – giant crocodile, shovel tusker
Jungle – high camel, terror crane, giant snake
Savannah – big neck, giant armadillo, giant sloth, high camel, hooftoes, sabertooth, terror crane
Steppe Wastes – bison, camelface, hipparion, hornbeast, mammoth, monster bird, sabertooth, thunder bird
Northern Rivers – giant beaver
Southern Rivers – bow tooth, giant crocodile
Ocean – monster shark, whale snake
-- collectively created by shanoxilt, Kakita Kojiro, stephen_dean, Maltodextrin, and viewers like you