Silver Cloud
Eclipse Caste ex-pirate gunslinger diplomat

Description and first impression goes here
To get revenge on the undead and make a tidy profit in the process.
My ship and my crew are mine to command and mine to preserve
My word is as solid and permanent as jade, but pay attention to the small print
Deceit and destruction is all the forces of Death know. Never let your guard down!
PHYSICAL: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
SOCIAL: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
MENTAL: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Caste Abilities
Bureaucrazy 3, Linguistics 1 (Riverspeak, Low Realm), Sail 4 (Reckless maneuvers +2), Socialize 3
Favored Abilities
Archery 5 (Gunslinger +3), Presence 5 (Trust me +3), Performance 4 (Respect mah authority! +1), Dodge 5 (In armor +3), Integrity 2
Unfavored Abilities
Martial Arts 2, Resistance 2, Lore 1, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Larceny 2
First Archery Excellency
Essence Arrow Attack (Fiery Arrow, Dazzling Flare, Righteous Judgement)
Phantom Arrow Technique
There Is No Wind
Trance of Unhesitating Speed
Shadow Over Water (1m, dodge at full DV)
Reflex Sidestep Technique (1m, use full defense against unexpected attacks)
First Sail Excellency
Salty Dog Method
Sea Ambush Technique
First Presence Excellency
Majestic Radiant Presence
Terrifying Apparition of Glory
First Performance Excellency
Heart-Compelling Method
Essence: 3
Peripheral: 39/39
Personal: 16/16
Committed: None
Anima Status: None
OOOOO OO (Willpower 7/7)
Compassion: 2 - I do what is necessary to achieve my goals, but I'm not cruel.
Conviction: 3 - Never underestimate how far I'm willing to go.
Temperance: 2 - Where it is required I can restrain my anger. But I will not forget.
Valor: 4 - And if the Neverborn themselves stood in my path, I would not waver!
Limit Break
Limit Condition: Limit:
Combat & Equipment
Soak: 7L/10B (Exceptional Lamellar Armor), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
DDV: 8, Join Battle: 7 (11 with Sudden Thunder),
Unarmed punch: Spd 5, Acc 7, Dmg 2B, PDV 3, Rate 3
Sudden Thunder: Spd 5, Acc 16, Dmg 7L (P), Rate 2, Capacity 6
Artifact 4 - Sudden Thunder
Ever since he took a pair of firewands from the pirate captain he mutineered against Cloud has taken on the aspect of the storm cloud, throwing thunder and lightning at his enemies. However it wasn't until the Bureau of Endings approached him that he gained access to a weapon fit to be wielded by one of Sol's chosen. The Sudden Thunder is a long-barreled revolver fashioned from heavy steel alloyed with Starmetal. Orichalkum inlays wind their way all around the barrel and over the rosewood grip; the inner workings or the weapon are also made of the divine sun-metal. The rotating cylinder can hold six of the finger-sized rounds created by Heaven's gods of Alchemy and inscribed with prayers to Sol Invictus for the souls of the slain.
Armed with this deadly weapon Silver Cloud can truly bring down the thunder of heaven upon his enemies. And those struck by his lightning are blessed indeed, for their souls are not in danger of falling into the hands of the Dead or even the hungry maw of Oblivion. Instead they are called back into the weapon, where their relieved faces become part of its ornamentation until such time as they can be safely delivered to Heaven.
Recognizing the need for quick and decisive action once negotiations have broken down Sudden Thunder veritably flies into the hand of its master. Many a necro-sympathizer has fallen to Cloud's bullets because he thought he was faster on the draw. Whenever the first action of the fight is to draw or fire, the weapon's master gains four additional dice on the Join Battle roll.
The final power of the Sudden Thunder is to allow its Solar master to shape their Essence into ammunitions, should he ever run out. This allows the application of Phantom Arrow Technique to the alchemical rounds for this weapon by increasing its cost to 2m per shot.
Followers 1
When Cloud accepted Heaven's offer and left his pirate days behind, the most loyal of his crew followed. As his first mate put it: "It's easy for a soldier to go back home and become a guardsman or bodyguard. For those of us in the piracy business it's usually a little harder." Now instead of the heavily armed pirate cruiser 'Black Sky' Cloud commands the single-masted 'Stormdriven', a sleek and fast ship that even his small crew of five can handle.
Tya Fal Ituso was the helmsman of the 'Black Sky'.
Sadoci Ramocca, the first mate.
Jonil Zesmus, the ship's doctor.
Olameru and Hejo, two sailors.
Salary 2
Through clever negotiating Cloud has managed to get a quite favorable contract from his heavenly employers. Having someone who can easily transport an entire group of agents on his ship and can invoke the diplomatic immunity of the Eclipse Caste on their behalf is very useful after all ... Of course, the truth is also, that without the backing of heavenly Ambrosia Cloud could hardly maintain ship and crew (without resorting to less than legal activities, that is), much less the expensive alchemical ammunitions for his gun. Buying the 'Stormdriven' has put quite a dent in his finances as well. As a result the crafty Lawgiver is always on the lookout for opportunities to make a quick profit or put cunning schemes in action to milk the gullible.
Backing 1 - The Department of Endings
Though the Elder Sidereals shudder at the thought of an Eclipse Caste bureaucrat beating them at their own game, Cloud has shown little interest in the politics of Yu-Shan so far. Consequently his standing in the Heavenly City and the support provided to him by the Bureau of Destiny is no greater than that accorded to any agent of the Department of Endings. The gods he interacts with show professional curtesy for the most part and hide behind regulations and procedure whenever his questions and requests become too demanding.
Allies 1
In Shin Yiu, God of Political Change from the Bottom Up, Cloud has found a friend and ally in Yu-Shan. This functionary from the Department of Endings was the one who approached the young Solar and brought him into the fold of the Elite Task Group for the Guidance and Re-Appropriation of Lost Souls. Since then the two of them have become friends, just as they were once before, though the god is loathe to speak about 'ancient history' as he calls it. The two of them certainly share certain philosophies and Shin Yiu takes great pleasure in giving the Lawgiver sarcastically commented tours through the byzantine complexities of Yu-Shan, ever hoping to awaken the politician in his friend. The resulting changes in the Heavenly City would likely be quite a coup for him, but so far Cloud has stayed firmly grounded in the affairs of Creation.
Contacts 3
During his extended travels and later his tenure as pirate captain Silver Cloud has visited almost every seaport in the East, from Cherak to Celeren and from Lookshy (very carefully) to Greyfalls. And where he hasn't been himself he has heard stories. It's a matter of pride, that wherever he goes he always knows someone who knows a guy ... Smugglers, fences, crimelords, pirates - he never has trouble finding the right partner for a shady deal or a bit of information.
Merits and Flaws
Wanted 2 & Known Anathema 1
Even though Cloud shifted his outward appearance since he got onto the Bureau's payroll, there are still a few who know his face well enough to recognize him and many more who have heard of the 'Black Sky' and its captain. He never made the mistake of becoming infamous enough to merit sending dedicated battle ship after him, but a number of mercenary groups would recognize him if he got in their way and a few ship-owners and merchants have placed bounties on his head.
Thankfully not everyone puts together the stories of the Silver Cloud on a Black Sky and the rumours of the Shining Gunman, the Anathema who is said to travel the many rivers of the East. Depending on who is speaking, he is either a figure of demon aspect, killing indiscriminately and deceiving honest people with his silver tongue, or he is a hero of the people, fighting oppressive warlords (and their taxes) as well as hunting the restless dead.
Goals and Motivations
XP gained: 0
XP spent: 0
XP unspent: 0