ShaintarAdventures GreyRangers:Backgrounds

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Character Backgrounds

In order to keep the front page orderly, the backgrounds of each character are posted here, as well as a list of particular accomplishments, either heroic or nefarious.

Current Members

Martin Dorneld
Martin is a young man of a small noble house from the kingdom of Galea, the fourth and youngest son. Although his family lacks political influence or great wealth they are extremely proud, especially of their long line of great warriors and knights. Every member of the clan seeks to emulate their warrior ancestors and they are known as some of the finest fighters in the kingdom.

However, Martin's father, Cerald, was not a man to be bound by tradition and he was observant enough to notice that Martin showed greater aptitude with books and words than with a blade. Rather than force his youngest son onto the training ground with his brothers he hired tutors for the boy to help him pursue other talents. When his talent for magic became apparent Martin was sent to study the manipulation of the Aether.

Martin proved to be an able student and by the age of 20 he completed his training in the basics of Sorcery and would likely have attained the title of Mage in a few more years if his studies had not been interrupted by his father's death.

After returning home to pay his respects and mourn his father things turned much harder for Martin. His brothers did not have their father's appreciation for pursuits other than the art of battle and his eldest brother was not willing to open the family purse any further to allow Martin's education to continue.

Although there was no hatred between Martin and his three brothers they certainly looked down on the pursuit their youngest sibling had chosen for himself. In a family of warriors Martin recieved little respect and no small amount of ridicule.

Without the money to return to his studies, and no one in the family willing to give any responsibility to someone who could barely hold a blade Martin sought out a position in the Rangers to prove himself to his family (or at least to get away from them).

Although Martin is actually a fairly competent warrior, this is mostly incidental training and tricks he's picked up simply as a result of living in the same house with his family, compared to the rest of his brothers (all extremely capable swordsmen) he's a barely competent novice.

Also worth noting; although he is a noble by birth his status as the black sheep of the family means he doesn't have the Noble edge, the family treasury is closed to him and his status as 4th son ensures little in the way personal reputation or influence.

Erron Field In the Malakar Dominion, you are what you make yourself. Snatch and grab any scrap of power and hold on to it, and you just might rise above. Erron Field thought he could be a bandit prince, and perhaps even the leader of an Association. The Lords of the Red Oak had other ideas.

Erron had it all: he could shoot, he could track, he could live out in the woods, and he was a terror with a longsword. So when he recruited six childhood friends from his no-name backwater village and went to work robbing caravans, he thought he was on the fast track to wealth and power. He was wrong.

Erron's little "association" (notice the lowercase a) did pretty well for themselves, for a while. They all knew the terrain and were young and vigorous, able to overpower guards and intimidate Guildsmen. The few good scores they pulled doomed them.

Once the local Association, the Lords of the Red Oak, got wind of their operation, their fate was sealed. Erron watched from the bushes as the Lords hung his gang, his six closest friends, upside down and gutted them like deer. Erron wanted to charge into the fray, but he knew he'd end up Riding The Oak with them.

How could he go back to his village? How could he face his friends' parents? How could he stay and live under the Lords' noses? He couldn't. So he ran. He ran far and fast, and ended up in the Wildlands and the Rangers. His tracking skills and woodcraft were in high demand, as were his sure shot with a bow and skill with a blade. He joined the Rangers to put distance between himself and the Lords, but he just might do some good, and quiet ghosts from his past, blood crying out from beneath the Red Oak.