ShaintarAdventures GreyRangers:Allies

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Allies, Servants, And So Forth

A convenient place to dump all the information about our underlings, hirelings, followers, servants, butlers, and squires. Oh, and our horses.


Martin Dorneld:



Damon Star-something:

Kenssei vo Trashka:
Vasstak na Sshiva (Squire)

Animal Companions

Ranger Ponies:
Attributes: Agility D6 Smarts D4 (A) Spirit D6 Strength D10 Vigor D12

Pace: 10 Parry: 4 Toughness: 6

Skills: Guts d6 Notice d6

Fleet footed – d8 run
Size + 1

Notes: Don't name 'em ya might have to eat 'em!

Attributes: Agility D8 Smarts D6 (A) Spirit D8 Strength D8 Vigor D8

Pace: 12 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5

Skills: Guts d4 Notice d6

Like the Wind – d12 run

Notes: Stolen from a caravan destined for a prince.


Attributes: Agility d6 Smarts d4 (A) Spirit d6 Strength d12+2 Vigor d10

Pace: 8 Parry: 6 Toughness: 10

Skills: fighting d8 Guts d8 Notice d6

Charge! – d8 run
Bite or Kick at Str+d4
Size + 3