ShaintarAdventures GreyRangers:Character02

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Revision as of 16:51, 18 May 2008 by (talk) (Erron Field)
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Erron Field[edit]

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Stats Skills Edges Hindrances Other
Strength 1D6 Fighting 1D8 Alertness (Adaptable) Enemy (Lords of the Red Oak)
Agility 1D8 Shooting 1D6 Wanted
Spirit 1D6 Survival 1D8 Delusional ("The Lords are EVERYWHERE!)
Vigor 1D6 Tracking 1D8
Smarts 1D8 Guts 1D6
Stealth 1D8
Parry 6 (+1 w/ bracers, +1 w/ buckler) Climbing 1D4
Toughness 5 (+2 Armour) Notice 1D6
Charisma 0

XP: 5

Erron Field

Standard Ranger Survival Gear

Weapons and Armour
Bow: Damage: 2D6, Range: 12/24/48, Wt: 3

Dagger: Damage: Str + 1d4, Wt: 1

Sabre: Damage: Str +1d6, Wt: 2

Full Leather Armour: Armour: +2, CSP: -2, Wt: 12

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