Kamiya, Gotai
When Gotai was ten years old, his father drove his family down a long, dark road on the way to a Golden Week vacation in Okinawa. Without warning, the car crashed into a solid but invisible barrier that flipped the car off the road. Gotai was paralyzed by his injuries. His family lay dead in front of him. The boy watched in horror as a massive beast made entirely of light collapsed by the side of the road, apparently injured and on the verge of death. Gotai’s father had actually crashed into an invisible, but materialized spirit and killed it on impact.
The being of light made contact with the crippled boy using telepathy. The being's mind was so basic and alien that Gotai had no idea what it was trying to say, yet the boy knew the thing was carrying something very important - a spirit without the strength to survive in the intangible world underneath our own. The creature of light had hoped to remain materialized during its offspring's incubation, but it could no longer do so. The only way to save the creature's offspring was to make use of Gotai's body and use him as a host until such time as the spirit could move into the higher dimensions on its own. And so, the being placed its offspring in Gotai before fading away.
Gotai's tiny body recovered as the alien creature entered him. When he was healthy enough to move, he stumbled to his father's car and extricated his family from the wreck. The local police found him cradling his sister tearfully.
A government-sponsored care facility watched Gotai's development for five years. They studied his powers ad nauseaum and saw great potential in the young boy. He was eventually transferred to the Japanese Red Cross and tasked with making use of his powers for the betterment of mankind. Gotai was driven to help others because he knew it would bring him into contact with a world he mostly knew nothing about, and it would give him a chance to find love in the eyes of those he saved. It was a love he sorely needed after living in a cold, sterile environment for so long.
Name: Gotai Kamiya
Power Points: 150 PP
Archetype: Energy Controller (Modern Age)
Size: M (5'6")
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Nationality: Japanese-American
Occupation: Red Cross Agent
Costume: Black shirt, pants, long white coat. Red Cross on sleeve.
STR 12 [+1]
DEX 21*[+5]
CON 20*[+5]
INT 12 [+1]
WIS 12 [+1]
CHA 10 [+0]
Point Distribution: Abilities 17, Combat 20, Feats 14, Saves 12, Skills 13, Powers 74.
Fortitude +8 (Con, 3 PP)
Reflex +11 (Dex, 6 PP)
Will +4 (Wis, 3 PP)
Grapple +15 ( Dex, Feat, Melee ATK )
Trip/Throw +9 ( Dex, Feat, vs min{Str,Dex} )
Initiative +5 ( Dex )
Attack +10 ( 20p, Feat, Max +10 )
Defense 25 ( 0p, Misc, 10 Flat-Footed )
Toughness +5 ( Con, Misc, Max +5 )
- Defensive Attack
- Dodge Focus 5
- Evasion
- Grappling Finesse
- Improved Throw
- Improved Trip
- Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)
- Acrobatic Bluff
- Equipment 2 (Iron Jo: +3 Damage, 10 ft Reach, plus 5 extra points on mission-specific equipment)
- Ultimate Healing (Spend hero point. Recovery Check is 20. Can cure especially tenacious diseases, poisons, and injuries.)
- Acrobatics 6 (Dex/+11)
- Disable Device 6 (Int/+7)
- Escape Artist 2 (Dex/+7)
- Knowledge of Life Sciences 3 (Int/+4)
- Knowledge of Streetwise 3 (Int/+4)
- Notice 9 (Wis/+10)
- Search 9 (Int/+10)
- Sense Motive 9 (Wis/+10)
- Sleight of Hand 2 (Dex/+7)
- Speaks Japanese [native] and English
- Stealth 2 (Dex/+7)
Powers and Abilities
The core of Gotai's power is the ability to channel positive energy into living beings. Doing this grants him a rudimentary control over the life processes that govern our health. Gotai can enhance a being's biochemical reactions in order to heal the subject of diseases, toxins, and injuries. He can also reverse the process and inflict harm the same way.
- Life Control 10 (at Touch Range: [AP] Healing 10, [AP] Stun 10 - Sleep)
Gotai sees the world in a very different light since his transformation. He can see a living thing's inner workings down to the genetic and chemical level, granting him an impressive array of information. He can see everything an MRI or EKG can see, and more. He can extend this sense to impressive lengths, so much so that he can read subjects in the same city as if they were right next to him. The sense works at high speed, allowing him to find anyone he recognizes within seconds. The sense does not allow him to see buildings, weapons, or other mundane objects, so Gotai sees everything out of context.
- Sense Physical Condition (Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Extended 3, Ranged, Radius, Rapid 3)
Mind Over Matter
Gotai's body is a reservoir for positive energy, one of the mystical components for life itself. By concentrating on his own body's life processes, Gotai can enhance his speed, reaction time, and resilience in small but effective ways. More flamboyant is Gotai's ability to generate thrust by sending positive energy in whatever direction he chooses.
- Enhanced Constitution and Dexterity 5*
- Enhanced Dodge 10
- Flight 7 (Subtle)
- Immunity to Disease and Poison
Schticks and Complications
- Gotai has a bit of a Superman Complex. That is, he believes all problems can be solved with a person’s fists, and that might makes right. He is not a bully, but he feels a soldier accomplishes way more than a doctor, which makes his power set uniquely ironic.
- Gotai spent five years isolated from most of mankind, so he is especially uncomfortable around people his own age. The only people he’s known lately are scientists, doctors, and military personnel (assigned to guard him and guard others from him).
- Gotai has a very black-and-white view of the world. Although he can see people at a genetic level, he often makes quick judgments about them and sticks to those first impressions even when they are later proven faulty or misleading.
Seth Turtle - original concept (May 18, 2008)