StreetFighterRedo:Main Page
Street Fighter Combat System Upgrade
Combat Round
- Roll your Dexterity in dice. These represent the phases of the round during which you may act (phases 1-10).
- Start with phase 10.
- Anyone with an action die showing the current phase number may act. If more than one combatant has a die showing the current phase, the fighter with the lowest Wits goes FIRST. If there is a tie in Wits, the fighter with the lowest Perception goes first. If there is a tie in Perception, the fighter with the lowest Dexterity goes first. On a tie, roll a die, lower goes first.
- The fighter expends that action die and acts as per normal rules.
- Interruptions:
- Anyone may attempt to interrupt the action. In order to interrupt, a fighter must expend an action die. At this point, speeds of the maneuvers are compared. The speed of the maneuver is the number on the die spent to act plus the speed of the maneuver. The maneuvers are resolved in descending order, with ties going to higher wits (or Perception in case of equal wits, and then Dexterity in the case of equal Perception, and then to the interrupting move in the case of tied Dexterity). An interrupt must at least have a modified speed (including EP’s spent) greater than the speed (without EP’s spent) of the move it interrupts.
- Interruptions can be interrupted.
- You may declare an interrupt and have it wind up being slower than the interrupted move. This does not prevent the interrupting maneuver from acting, though the faster move still goes first.
- If the spent die shows the current phase, the interruption may be any maneuver. Otherwise, non-abort actions cost 1 EP to use as an interrupt.
- Blocking: Blocking holds until it has either blocked your Block technique in attacks or until you take an action, whichever comes first. Note: If you act, are interrupted, and interrupt that with a block, the block ends when you act to finish your original action.
- If you interrupt, any slower interrupted moves you have pending are lost. Exception: Blocks are unaffected and do not affect this.
- If you were interrupted before completing the full movement of a move, you may finish that movement after the interruption is resolved, unless the move was lost in some way.
- Repeat steps 3-6 until no fighter has an action die showing the current phase.
- Go to the next phase down. (10 goes to 9, then to 8, and on down to 1).
- Repeat steps 3-7 until round is finished.
- Concentrations.
- Recoveries.
- New Round. Repeat until the fight is finished.
Edge Points (EP’s)
In a fight, you have something called Edge Points (EP’s). These are gained and spent throughout a fight. They represent the overall advantage a fighter has in the fight. They represent conserved strength, force of will, situational advantage, canny perception, and untapped reserves. At the end of a fight, all EP’s are lost.
They are gained as follows:
- A fighter gains their Intelligence in EP’s at the beginning of the first round of a fight, and ½ their Intelligence (round up) at the beginning of each subsequent round.
- Successfully applying your Block to an attack gives 1 EP.
- Once a round, a fighter may at any time spend a point of willpower for 1 EP.
- Concentration (see below).
- Any unspent action die showing a number equal to or lower than the fighter’s perception score may be expended for 1 EP at any time.
They may be spent for the following:
- 2 EP - Before action dice are rolled for the round, you may spend EP’s for 1 extra die per 2 EP’s spent.
- 1 EP – Add a die to damage dice rolled for a maneuver. Note: These dice are added AFTER soak is applied, so they may be added to the minimum 1 die.
- 1 EP – After damage dice are rolled against you, you may spend 1 EP to roll two dice of Dodge (TN:6). Each success reduces damage by one point. If all damage is dodged, then the attack missed.
- 1 EP – Add +2 to the speed of a maneuver.
- 1 EP – A Fighter may reduce the number of damage dice being rolled against them at a cost of 1 EP per die BEFORE the roll is made. Note: If this results in no dice, it is considered to have no successes, thus making it a miss.
Special Rules
At the beginning of a tournament fight, or during a combat round, a fighter may concentrate to study their surroundings, their opposition, or center themselves. If done during a combat round, the roll is made at the end of the round. Each success gives the fighter 1 EP. During a round they are concentrating, all Target Numbers for the concentrating fighter are at +2 due to the distraction, though this +2 does not apply to the concentration roll at the end.
Study Surroundings
Find an Angle: Roll Perception + Arena. TN is 8 for standard open arenas. TN is 7 for unusual environment (uncertain footing, shadows, obstacles, pits, etc). TN 6 for obstacle strewn fighting-ground. At the Referee’s option, this may allow the fighter to notice anything unusual about the fighting grounds (hidden doors, unnoticed items, etc.)
Study Opposition
Find Weakness: Roll Perception + Style Lore. TN is 7. TN may be higher for bad sensory conditions (fog, darkness, etc.). At the Referee’s option, this may allow the fighter to learn things about the opposition.
Power Up: Roll Perception + Insight. TN is 10 minus Focus.
Fighters may attempt to regain chi or willpower. To recover, a fighter rolls a number of dice equal to the amount of chi or willpower they are down. Each success regains one point. Ones are ignored on this roll. They must declare whether they are attempting to regain willpower or chi at the start of the recovery period. Target number depends on the circumstances and time spent recovering:
1 hour – All is regained. 1/2 hour – TN 2 10 minutes – TN 4 5 minutes – TN 6 1 minute – TN 7 1 round – TN 8
ALL target numbers are at +2 for the duration of the recovery period. If a fighter does nothing during the recovery period, the +2 does not apply to the recovery roll at the end, otherwise it does. A fighter can stop recovering at any time, even immediately before a roll. When recovery is ended, the recovery roll is immediately made with the appropriate Target number for time spent. If the period spent is less than a full round, nothing can be gained. Concentration rolls are made before recovery rolls at the end of the round, and concentration does count as an action, meaning the +2 is added to both concentration and recovery if both are done.
A knocked down fighter must spend their highest action die to regain their feet. If a maneuver was interrupted with a knockdown, then that maneuver is lost as well. If a fighter has Kippup, they may spend 1 EP instead of losing the action die, though an interrupted maneuver is still lost.
If a fighter takes more than their Stamina in damage in a single blow, they are stunned, and lose their highest action die and 1 EP. If a maneuver was interrupted with a stun, then that maneuver is lost as well.
Sustained Holds
A fighter who has an opponent in a sustained hold rolls damage when one of their action dice comes up. This may not be done as an interrupt, and has speed equal to that of the hold. Someone in a sustained hold may attempt to break free when one of their actions comes up. This MAY be done as an interrupt, and has a speed of +0. The maximum number of actions that a sustained hold may be maintained is equal to the holder’s Grab Technique.
Held Dice
When an action die comes up, instead of acting, a fighter may hold that die. From then on, until it is expended, it is considered to be showing the current phase, whatever phase that might be. It may be used at any time an action die may be used. Only one die can be held by a fighter at a time.
Weenie Rule
Weenies (mooks, scrubs, etc.) each get only one action die a round, and cannot gain or use EP’s.
Instead of concentrating at the beginning of a fight, or by spending 1 action during a fight, a fighter may attempt to intimidate their opposition. Roll Charisma + Intimidation versus the target’s willpower. If the intimidator wins, each success over the opponent causes the opponent to lose 1 EP.
Instead of concentrating at the beginning of a fight, or by spending 1 action during a fight, a fighter may attempt to psyche-out their opposition. Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge versus the target’s Wits + Insight. If the intimidator wins, each success over the opponent causes the opponent to lose 1 EP.
Specific Maneuver Changes
- Zen No-Mind: Ignore book effect. Gives 2 free EP’s at the very beginning of each round, which must be spent during that round. If not spent by the end, they are lost.
- Teleport, Shrouded Moon, Ghostform: These last anywhere from instantaneously to the end of the round. They may be dropped at any time. Note: If these are maintained for any longer than a phase, any recovery or concentration is broken.
- Punch and Kick Defense: These count as Abort maneuvers, but do not give EP’s like a normal block.
- Yoga Flame and Fire Strike: These last anywhere from instantaneously to the end of the round. They may be dropped at any time.
- Flame Fist and Toughskin: These may be activated at any time and act for a number of attacks equal to your Focus.
Stunning Shout: The first success above the target makes them lose their highest action die (or interrupted action). Each additional success causes the loss of 1 EP.