Halt Evil Doer! Manifesto

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Manifesto Intro


Welcome to the World of Earth-627, a dimensional reality that was long ago affected by the mysterious Preservers who sought to create a sublime race of enlightened philosophers with powers above and beyond those of ordinary alien species. They did not suceed in this task, yet, but nevertheless laid the seeds for a race of super-powered beings that would rise in the later portion of the 20th century.

Since the 1930s, Earth-627 has been inhabited by superpowered beings whom decided to wear costumes and attempt to right the myriad social ills that have wracked the world. For the most part, these idealists are trusted and accepted as a beloved part of the world's self-policing structure. Super-heroes are treated with the same kind of adulation and praise that celebrities are with quite a few gaining the attention that you might accord to living saints.


The United States government of the Freedomverse is slightly different than our world. President Al Gore is finishing up his second term and has signed agreements to create the first United Nations based army under the control of UNISON. Iraq's government is still under Saddam Hussein, unfortunately, and a source of unpleasant superhumans even to this day.

Likewise, President George Bush Sr. created a massive National Security Agency/C.I.A hybrid in the late eighties called A.E.G.I.S. (American Elite Guardian Intelligence Service) that was secret until his Presidency. It is a massive global peace keeping force that not all countries particularly appreciate but has managed to successfully prevent all terrorist threats except from the former Nazi secret society SHADOW and its satellite organizations.

Americans are deeply patriotic in the Freedomverse and not at all disillusioned with their current administration.


Unlike Marvel comics, the fear that assails the X-men of the world turning against super-powered humans is relatively unlikely to come to pass. There are bigots in the world and twisted racists who want to see everything but pure blooded homo-sapiens wiped out but these are considered radicals that the majority of the populous views with tremendous disgust. It's good to be a superhero and most people won't gainsay you the opportunity if you have the ability to handle it.

It would appear that Rousseau was right as well, with humanity being naturally good. While supervillains and evil monsters are prevalent, this is a society that is slowly acclimating towards a global world where ideals of freedom and justice are held as the highest pinnacle of society.


Thanks to super-human inventors, the technology of Halt Evil Doer! is slightly higher than that of regular old Earth Prime. The cures to most diseases, in-system space travel, and clean burning fusion power have been discovered by the 1990s even if it'll be sometime before this technology is widely available in every part of the world. Cancer, AIDs, and a few other nasty diseases still exist but treatments are progressing all the time. It's an optimistic world that can only expect to get better.

Invention is mostly done by individuals super-geniuses in this world, called Novas, rather than in laboratories by thousands of scientists. This had lead to numerous high powered technologies firms that are controlled by both superheroes and supervillains whom are almost above the law in their resources.