Freedom City Geography
Freedom City, Massachusetts is the birthplace of American Liberty and the heart of the United States' economy. It is wrong to say that the entirety of the United States revolves around Freedom City, it's more accurate to say that the world flows around Freedom City in many respects.
The City is detailed in Green Ronin Publishing's Mutants and Masterminds' Freedom City supplement that is available as an ebook from their site. All the material in that book is considered to be canonical for Freedom City in Halt Evil Doer! and this to be supplementary to it. In short, this is additional information and a summary of some elements for those who haven't gotten to read the book yet.
The City, The Big Cherry, Freedonia, Crimeville U.S.A., The City of The Future
18,490,230 residents call Freedom City home and they're a diversified bunch as existing in any other place in the world. They're a diversified bunch with large variation in ethnicity, religion, and wealth. For the most part, the various races and creeds commingle in downtown but a large number of districts are instead devoted to a single group that has managed to congregate together. This can make traveling through Freedom City a bit like traveling through Epoct Center's World Tour at times.
Mayor Michael O'Conner is the current leader of Freeport and (secretly) the son of Freedom City's former champion the Freedom Eagle. A surprisingly non-corrupt and admirable mayor whose a bit overwhelmed with the massive crime in the city and needs to call on the city's defenders to protect them if he wants to stay in office.
It is an unfortunate truth that Freedom City is crime ridden despite it being the city of tomorrow. Huge numbers of criminals are generated from the poorer districts of the city and the fact that Arch-Villain August Roman (former enemy of the Centurion) once ran the world spanning Circuits Maximus from the city. Thus, there are a substantial disproportionate number of gangsters in Freedom City in addition to regular street crime. The current leader of the Underworld is "Big Al" Driogano but most simply view him as holding the place for August Roman (in truth he's little more than front man for the world spanning Illuminati like Labyrinth that has taken over most of the World Crime League's businesses).
Freedom City criminals tend to be decidedly not misunderstood victims of society and pretty much brutal thugs. The city's Underworld encourages professional criminals with no loyalty to their communities and a brutal willingness to do whatever they want. Freedom City's prisons are clogged up, but its not with drug users or victims of racism. Sadly, only a few superheroes focus on the extensive crime problem.
Mentioning crime in Freeport without mentioning Super-Villains would be like mentioning Chicago gangsters without mentioning Al Capone. Super human criminals are drawn to Freedom City out of the belief there's easy money to be made (true) and that they can win a reputation for themselves by defeating one of the world's superheroes (False- This usually just lands the amateurs in the slammer). The most successful group of villains is the Crime League that have conducted numerous world-spanning plots over the past couple of decades that no one has really been able to stop permanently. Thankfully, none of them have shown much inclination to engage in wholesale murder.
Disturbingly, a group called The Foundry has recently shown up in Underworld rumors. Apparently, its a high technology criminal gang that has been providing even low level crooks in Freeport with cutting edge energy weaponry and genetic techniques to turn even two time losers into super humans.