The Daily Herald
The Daily Herald was founded in the 1980s during the reign of corrupt Mayor Franklin Moore. It's owner, Lester Loeb was a smarmy and twisted little man that was little more than a shill for criminal kingpin August Roman's attempt to smear all the superheroes of the city. Lester Loeb committed suicide when Franklin Moore was revealed to be on the take from a dozen criminal organizations and his reputation as an investigative journalist was ruined. His widow, ex-Centurion girlfriend Lana Loeb, took over the newspaper and sold controlling interest to Rupert Murdoch's media Empire.
The Daily Herald, as befitting a subsidiary of Fox News, is the most conservative paper in Freedom City. It takes a remarkably hard line stance against the treatment of criminals, vigilantism, and anything remotely resembling a progressive liberal cause. If anything ever happened like Marvel's Civil War in Freedom City then it would be the Daily Herald cheering on Tony Stark the entire time. The Daily Herald isn't evil per say, it's just biased and opinionated with a suspicion of anything that reeks of altruism for its own sake.
Ironically, Fox doesn't have controlling interest in the companies that own the Daily Herald. It just owns a lot of stock in them. The majority are owned by front men for August Roman who continues to poke holes in Freedom City's most heroic classes.
Lana Loeb
In the 1980s, Lana Lane was briefly able to attract the attention of the Centurion after his wife died of natural causes. Lana Lane was a rural city girl and thus able to remind the Centurion of his roots. Unfortunately, he was killed during the Terminus Invasion and never was able to choose between her and another reporter. The experience embittered Lana and her failed marriage to Lester Loeb only made her come to despise the superheroes whom couldn't measure up to her lover. Now in her mid-fifties, Lana has become a lot more reactionary than she ever intended to be in trying to bring back "decency" to Freeport.
She's a Baptist.