Powers and Weaknesses

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Power Level

It's important to establish the limits and power levels that are expected of the Mutants and Masterminds systems. They're quite a bit different than regular D&D and thus its nice to know what can be done and what can't in the setting. This will help player characters know what exactly is permissible in the setting and not.

Power Level replaces standard Levels in this world.

PL1 and PL 2= Established for children and your average unskilled human in the world.

PL 3 and PL 4= Establishes a very skilled non-powered human being.

PL 5-6= An elite human being like a Navy Seal, AEGIS Agent, or average Scientist.

PL 7-8= Your average "Street" Hero and Non-powered Sidekicks. John Constantine, Robin, Peter Parker (Pre-Spiderman)

PL 9-10= Newly minted Powered Characters and Experienced Non-Powered Heroes. The Question. The Huntress. Green Arrow. Teen Titans. New Mutants. Young Spiderman.

PL 10-12= Veteran Powered Superheroes and the Elite of Non-Powered Superheroes. Batman. Veteran Spiderman. Captain America. The X-men.

PL 13-14 = Extraordinarily powerful Meta-humans and Multi-powered Villains. The Inhumans. The Eternals. Professor X. Magneto. Doctor Doom. Wonder Woman. Shazam.

PL 15-16= Living Gods. The Centurion, Thor, Darkseid, Doctor Strange, The Silver Surfer.

Above PL 16 are threats and beings well beyond that has ever been produced by regular humanity.