Freedom League
Earth's Mightiest Heroes and a group that protects civilization from the wrath of badness. The Freedom League and its predecessor in the Liberty League is a group that everyone in the world knows about. They've stopped alien invasions, giant robots, extra-dimensional excursions, and their alternate counterparts in the Crime League.
For the past fifteen years since they reformed in the wake of the Centurion's death, the Freedom League has tried to fill Mark Leed's shoes. To be honest, the results have been decidedly mixed with an ever changing roster and significantly less success without their iconic member.
Captain Thunder's attempts to adopt the Centurion's costume as his heir apparent are interpreted by some with bemusement (kindly) and something bordering on outright insulting (hostile). The fact that Captain Thunder was a great superhero in his own right before he attempted to fulfill the Centurion's shoes only makes it more sad.
Recently, the Freedom League made a startling announcement. They were going to formally adopt a United Nations sponsorship and move to a satellite space station above the planet in order to monitor for global crises. This move has been less than popular in Freedom City as it leaves the city ripe for plucking.
Furthermore, many argue that this is just an attempt to curtain the Freedom League's own autonomy (which is true). Nevertheless, as of June 1st 2008. The City of Freedom was without her protectors for good.
Captain Thunder
Da Da Da Da Captain Thunder!
If you didn't watch the cartoon then you've played the video game or eaten the breakfast cereal. Raymond Gardener has attempted to make it clear to the world that he is a superhero and is looking out for you. It's not about the money, he donates that to charity, but it is about making sure that people understand he's just as good a hero as his mentor Mark Leeds. A test pilot who suffered an accident involving his archnemesis' Doctor Stratos' weather control machine, Ray gained the power to move like lightning along the magnetic sphere and manipulate energy of all kinds. Ironically, he just uses it to mostly imitate the Centurion's powers.
One of the few public superheroes, he doesn't seem to understand that some people view 4 color comic book attitudes as hokey. No killing under any circumstances, superheroes work with the government rather than against it, and you're all role models for kids! He takes his role as the guardian of the Centurion's legacy WAY too seriously and has beaten up numerous imposters claiming to be his child or simply wearing outfits based on his.
If he wasn't so powerful and successful, people would probably be weirded out by him.
Callie Summers is the daughter of Duncan Summers and the daughter of the mysterious Doctor Sin, Lord of the Eastern Underworld. Trained by her father to avenge her mother when she was murdered on her sweet sixteen party, Callie proceeded to master all of his skills as the mysterious Raven before he introduced her to fighting crime in the way that he once did.
Callie Summers is not nearly as motivated by revenge as her father was and still has time to be a millionaire playgirl. However, while the Raven, she does her best to be mysterious and intimidating. She finds that, as a woman, she's able to get a lot more intimidation value from being coy and playful than she can out of hardcore scary.
Callie is the only Freedom Leaguer who spends her time actively fighting Street Crime and is debating whether to resign the League with their decision to leave Freedom City as a whole. However, her new status as a UNISON agent would allow her to better deal with her grandfather's network.
David Atrus is the richest man in the world. The head of ASTRO labs and Icarus Corp, he has a fortune of 180 billion dollars, and is the leading authority on pretty much every technological development imaginable. He'd probably have twice as much if he didn't spend so much of his fortune trying to build up other countries and heading the technological revolution.
David Atrus is also the superhero Daedalus. Most people believe he's the son of the original Daedalus who appeared during the Korean War in a crude tank-like suit that flew via jet-pack. In truth, David Atrus is both and is something to the affect of five thousand years old. He's THAT Daedalus.
David Atrus is the Freedom League's 2nd in Command and the man who constructs almost everything the Freedom League used. While he's a genuinely decent man, he's also a little TOO big picture for his own good (and those around him).
Johnny Rocket
Johnny Rocket is Johnny Wade, the third in a dynasty of superheroes that stretches back to World War 2. Unfortunately, it is quite likely Johnny will be the last of this particular dynasty due to the simple fact that he's a homosexual and unlikely to pass on his genes. This has caused more than a minor scandal in the Freedom League as they were considered kid friendly until the moment that one of Johnny's lovers came out with the truth to win a book deal.
Johnny is, himself, not ashamed nor are his fellows in the Liberty League (Captain Thunder worries about their image but he's also a liberal). Still, he's become something of a media problem in recent years as even the gay community wonders why it required him being outed.