Mr. Eternal

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Real name: Graham Autumn

Code name: Mr. Eternal

Age: ??? (He lost count somewhere during the latest Ice Age. He looks like 21 though.)

Race: Human (mutant)

Appearance: Somewhat like a deadbeat hobo. He got uncut and unruly black hair, a pair of deep brown, nearly black eyes and a constant tobacco in his mouth. He's of medium build, neither slender nor stout. He usually wears a pair of worn jeans and a filthy khaki shirt. He requires reading glasses. And you will never EVER see him in a superhero costume.

Powers: Grahams sole power is emphatic regeneration, which made him stop aging when he reached age twenty-one, and since then he has looked pretty much the same. So far, nothing has yet been able to put him into a permanent rest. And believe me, he has tried! Lost limbs are returned, internal organs restored and fractures are repaired. The origin of the regeneration is apparently the heart, not the brain, and in case he loses his head, his body will simply grow a new one.

Graham has also several centuries worth of experience regarding orthodox and unorthodox ways of sharing the pain. He quite literally picked up a sword and started swinging it until he got the hang of it.

Weakness: Although he's literally unkillable, Graham still got several weaknesses. To begin with, the emphatic regeneration is his only power, meaning that besides the not-dying stuff, Graham is normal human. Heck, he's not even in good shape. He also still feels the pain, meaning that a swift kick in the crotch usually puts him down a decent amount of time. The easiest way of dealing with Graham is to imprison him. Graham actually got about three centuries worth of jail-time by now.

His power is also that of the empathic regeneration. Note the italics. This pretty much mean that his power is as reliable as a drunk Guide dog. Depending on Graham's state of mind, he'll either completely recover from any damage in a matter of seconds or he'll be playing dead body for several minutes. As a rule of the thumb though, the angrier Graham gets, the more reliable his regeneration becomes.

Background: Graham Autumn was born in a serene suburb outside Freedom City in the year 1951.