Lia Kuryana

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Lia Kuryana is a character played by Ferrus Animus in Marching Spinward's Eschaton PbP game on


  • Lia Kuryana (played by Ferrus Animus)
  • Chaotic Neutral Female Human Psion (Kineticist) 3
  • Experience: 3000/6000


  • Str 8 (-1) (0 pts.)
  • Dex 10 (+0) (2 pts.)
  • Con 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
  • Int 17 (+3) (13 pts.)
  • Wis 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
  • Cha 9 (-1) (1 pt.)


  • Hit points: 23 (3d4+14)
  • Initiative: +0
  • Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
  • AC 10 (14), touch 10 (14), flat-footed 10 (14)
  • Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6

Base Attack Bonus: +1


  • Dagger: +0 to hit, damage 1d4-1 (slashing or piercing), critical 19-20 x2
  • Unarmed: +0 to hit, damage 1d3-1 nonlethal, critical x2


  • Crossbow, light: +1 to hit, damage 1d8, critical 19-20 x2


  • Autohypnosis 6 ranks + 2 (WIS) = +8
  • Concentration 6 ranks + 2 (CON) = +8
  • Intimidate 6 ranks - 1 (CHA) = +5
  • Knowledge (Psionics) 6 ranks + 3 (INT) = +9
  • Knowledge (The Planes) 6 ranks + 3 (INT) = +9
  • Psicraft 6 ranks + 3 (INT) = +9

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial


  • Overchannel
  • Psionic Body
  • Talented
  • Privileged Energy (Cold)

Class Features

Discipline: Psychokinesis
Power Points: 11+4=15
Power Points left: 15
Psionically Focused

Powers Known

Level 1

  • Force Screen
  • Entangling Ectoplasm
  • Deja Vu
  • Crystal Shard
  • Attraction

Level 2

  • Energy Missile
  • Damp Power


  • Dagger (2 gp)
  • Light crossbow (35 gp)
    • - 26 bolts (3 gp)
  • Explorer's outfit (assumed free)
  • Vest of resistance +1 (1000 gp)
  • Healing Belt (750 gp)
  • Pouch, belt (1 gp)
  • Backpack (2 gp)
    • - Bedroll (1 sp)
    • - Chalk x10 (1 sp)
    • - Rations for 5 days (25 sp)
    • - Waterskin (1 gp)
    • - mirror, small steel

893 gp 3 sp left (2700 gp total)


  • Age: 18 years
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 124 lb
  • Worships Fharlanghn (might change over time)

Lia is a young, slender human woman whose most outstanding features are her shoulder-length hair and her eyes. While her eyes are of a bright red color her hair seems to be composed of red strands of different nuances leading to a puzzling sight when she moves. Her skin is of a light tan and she wears normal traveling clothes. While she doesn't seem to be in an above average physical shape, her movement implies a certain strength and grace.

Aside from some mud at her shoes her clothing is clean and neat and she seems well-groomed.


Lia grew up the child of a pair of orchard-growers in a small trade village, a place where the farmers and orchard-owners often took their wares to the next larger city for sale along the trade routes. She chafed at the boring lifestyle there, especially because she always seemed to be getting into trouble as a child; some people said that her unusual red eyes marked her as cursed or as a demon-spawned child, but she never did anything worse than steal an apple here or get into a scuffle with another child there, so she grew up rambunctious, restless, and a bit of an outsider. Deciding that the orchard-growing life was not for her, Lia agitated for every chance that she could to visit the larger city. In her early teen years, she would accompany her parents to market and help to set up their cart to sell fresh fruits. Naturally, in such a cosmopolitan place, she met many people, one of whom was a disciple of Zuoken. This curious fellow recognized Lia's latent abilities, and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation and explain a bit about Zuoken to her. Lia was repulsed by the idea of the regimented and monastic lifestyle of Zuoken's followers, but found his insights into edel, the "gift of mind," useful for understanding the energetic currents that seemed to go hand-in-hand with her restless nature. The next fall, after the harvest and market, she packed her few possessions in a rucksack, kissed her parents goodbye, and took a barge down the river to the big city, where she spent the winter refining her unusual gift under the tutelage of the monks at the shrine of Zuoken. Of course, a simple monastery was just as boring to Lia, especially when she was stuck sweeping floors so that she could sleep in a cot and practice moving rocks with her mind. By the next spring, she decided to take to the road once more, trusting to her unusual skills to give her an edge in surviving these dangerous times. While traveling she had a few "adventures" and met some interesting people. One of them introduced her to the Watchers, and seeing an opportunity she joined them for the time being.


  • Anarchic initiate (CP)
  • Psychic Reformation