Stray Dogs:The Nuts And Bolts

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Revision as of 02:48, 6 June 2008 by Kid Entropy (talk | contribs) (Character Creation)
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"It takes much more than wild courage
Or you'll hit just the tattered clouds
You must have just the right bullets
And the first one's always free"

Tom Waits - Just The Right Bullets

This is where all of the Savage Worlds-specific mechanics are located. You'll find new Edges, Hindrances, weapons and equipment for the discerning post-apocalyptic consumer. Choose wisely; you won't be coming into port for quite a long while.

Character Creation[edit]

Character creation in Stray Dogs is pretty much the same as any other Savage Worlds game, built on:

  • 5 points distributed among Attributes
  • 15 points distributed among Skills
  • $500 worth of Equipment
Edges and Hindrances