Stray Dogs:Edges and Hindrances

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Revision as of 02:54, 6 June 2008 by Kid Entropy (talk | contribs) (New Edges)
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New Edges[edit]


Cheap Shot Artist
Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8

Kneecaps, funny bone, throat punches; your hero knows how to throw them all and her blows are devastating. Whenever an enemy is Shaken by one of the character’s attacks, their Spirit check to recover is at a -2 penalty.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8

Your hero is a natural-born frontman, simultaneously working in tandem with his band and drawing the attention of crowds to himself. On group Spirit checks for performing with a group, the band may roll his own skill level as opposed to the lowest average.

Scavenger Type
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6, Notice d6

Scavenging for supplies is one of the most important aspects of life on the Eastern Coast and your hero could find a battery in a tanker hulk. If you are dealt a 5 or lower for a Scavenging check, you may draw a new card.