Code name: Vendetta
Real name: Jason Jeminéz
Age: 31
Race: Human - Cyborg.
Secret Identity: No.
Power Level: 10.
Powers: With his arms and legs, Jason can lift massive amounts of weight. Jason can bench press about 20 tons and has great stamina.
His skeleton has been reinforced by a hard plastic polymer alloy and his skin with hard plastics, making it hard to break his bones or pierce his skin by normal means.
His right eye has advanced targeting optics tied directly to his arms, capable of registering wind currents when taking aim with a ranged weapon, maximizing his chances of hitting, as it's all down to the chances.
He is capable of loading clips or belts into either of his arms, functionally turning either into a firearm(And his index finger the muzzle) as long as there are bullets to be fired.
Weaknesses: He's still getting used to his new body, and as thus, can't quite give himself a 100% - there's also a chance that his arms will jam because he still hasn't had it tested fully.
Despite the plastic on his body, his electronics are still susceptible to electricity, so it is possible for him to blow a fuse if he gets too much power, or if he's electrocuted.
Appearance: Jason has brown hair and one green eye, one red eye. He's Hispanic, and his skin appears as so and usually has only a small amount of 'fuzz' on his face. After his reconstruction, he wears what he likes, which could range from a t-shirt and jean shorts, to a silk robe he bought in Japan - as opposed to the expensive suits when he was human.
Personality: Following his reconstruction, Jason has an impulsive, excessively violent personality and a lethally short temper.. He is blunt, rude, and sadistic, revealing an insane grin in combat. He has little respect for authority or human life and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate.
History: Not much is known about Jason Jeminéz, save for the fact that he wasn't born in Freedom - it is said he comes from a wealthy family in Argentina, but those are just unverified rumors.
11 years ago, he become a henchmen in the Mendoza syndicate, and soon rose in the ranks - 3 years ago, after taking a bullet for Raul Mendoza, the son of Sal Mendoza the man who began the syndicate, he became the right hand man of the syndicate - often in charge of "public" appearances for the syndicate.
Following a brutal beating from Arkady Tchaikovsky over a shipment of weapons, Jason had several limps and parts removed because the nerves and muscles had been damaged beyond repair - The Mendoza family wasn't going to loose it's right hand man, and as so, spend hundreds og thousands of dollars to rebuild him.
The result was a strong, durable cyborg - and a bloodthirsty Jason, who's assured he could easily take on Arkady despite still being new to his powers.
Motivation: He's a fledgling super-villain, need I say more?