Misc. Super Villains

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Doctor Stratos[edit]

A meteorological villain who was once part of the Crime League. Doctor Stratos wielded incredible power over lightning and weather. Likewise, Doctor Stratos was a genius who could construct robots and other masterful devices for the conquest of the world. Finally, Stratos went gibbering insane and tried to destroy the world. In the end, he ended up committing suicide thanks to the mind games of Mister Eternal.

Raymond Gardner owes Mr. Eternal a beer for that.

Lava Men[edit]

The Terra-King's henchmen. The Lava Men are cruel and mindless creatures that are composed of little more than living rock. Being as they're not really alive, heroes should not feel problematic about destroying them. They become much slower if they're doused in water and fragile to point that they can be smashed by punches.

Terra King[edit]

A half-blind seismologist, the Terra King eventually found his way to Kajuii Island where he was declared King of the near-mindless Morlocks that inhabited the gigantic cavern system underneath the planet (The Underdark). Using the discovered remnants of ancient Preserver technology, Terra King started a large amount of genetic experimentation and soon created a vast army of super-powerful creatures under his control. Terra-King has been recognized as the legitimate King of Kajuii island and has diplomatic immunity. An attack against Delphicworld may result in this being revoked, however, in the United States.

Terra King himself has no super powers and mostly relies on his tremendous number of powerful body guards to defend him.

Halt Evil Doer!