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Neutral Human Focused Specialist Conjurer 3 / Master Specialist 2 / Malconvoker 5 Languages Spoken: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Ignan, Terran

STR: 8 (base 8)
DEX: 12 (base 12)
CON: 14 (base 14)
INT: 24 (base 18 +2 level +4 enhancement)
WIS: 8 (base 8)
CHA: 16 (base 16)

Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex +4 Improved Initiative)
Defense: 15 (base 10 + 5 class + 1 Dex mod - Flaw)
HP: 10d4 + 20 (60hp)
Speed: 30ft.
BAB: +4
Grapple: +3
Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+3/+8
DR 2/- from mithril chain shirt

Flaw 1: Maximize Spell
Human 1: Improved Initiative
Level 1: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Level 3: Sudden Maximize
Level 6: Leadership
Level 9: Summon Elemental (reserve feat)

Conjurer 1: Augment Summoning
Malconvoker 3: Skill Focus (Bluff)
Master Specialist 1: Skill Focus (Spellcraft)

Vulnerable (-1 AC)

(2+5+1)x 13 = 104

Bluff +22 (13 ranks +3 Cha mod +3 Skill Focus +3 Circlet)
Concentration +15 (13 ranks +2 Con mod)
Disguise +19 (13 ranks +3 Cha mod +3 Circlet)
Knowledge (arcana) +20 (13 ranks +7 Int mod)
Knowledge (strategy) +20 (13 ranks + 7 Int mod)
Knowledge (the planes) +20 (13 ranks +7 Int mod)
Ride +14 (13 ranks +1 Dex mod)
Spellcraft +20 (13 ranks +7 Int mod)

Caster Level 9th
Banned schools: Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy

Level 0 - 4/day
Prestidigitation x4

Level 1 - 7/day: base 4 + 2 ability score bonus +1 specialist bonus +1 focused specialist bonus

Summon Monster I x2
Charm Person
Grease x2
Protection from Alignment
Endure Elements

Level 2 - 7/day: base 4 + 2 ability score bonus +1 specialist bonus +1 focused specialist bonus

Summon Monster II x2
Summon Swarm x2
Web x2
Alter Self

Level 3 - 6/day: base 3 + 2 ability score bonus +1 specialist bonus +1 focused specialist bonus

Summon Monster III x2
Maximized Summon Monster I
Haste x2

Level 4 - 5/day: base 2 + 1 ability score bonus +1 specialist bonus +1 focused specialist bonus

Summon Monster IV x2
Blood Star
Solid Fog
Dimension Door

Level 5 - 4/day: base 1 + 1 ability score bonus +1 specialist bonus +1 focused specialist bonus

Summon Monster V x2
Maximized Summon Monster III


Circlet of Persuasion (4500)
Cloak of Resistance and Charisma +2 (8000)
Headband of Intellect +4 (16000)
Ring of Mighty Summons (14000)
Warbeast Griffon "Deathwing" (22 HD) (1750)
Mithril Chain Shirt (1100 gp)

4650 gp remaining

Variant Rules
- Rapid Summoning (summon monster spells only need 1 standard action instead of 1 full action to cast; permanently lose ability to summon familiar) (D20 SRD)
- Enhanced Summoning (replace Scribe Scroll with Augment Summoning; lose bonus spells for being a wizzard) (D20 SRD)
- Focused Specialist (lose 1 spell per level, pick an additional banned school, cast 2 spells of your specialist school per level per day) (Complete Mage p.34)
- Malconvoker (Complete Scoundrel p. 48)
- Master Specialist (Complete Mage p. 70)
- Ring of Mighty Summons (Complete Mage p.127)

Faustina's Spell List
Faustina bans Illusion, Necromancy and Evocation.
The save DCs for her spells are 17 + spell level. Conjuration spells are 18+ spell level, but few to no Conjuration spells allow saves anyway.

Level 0 All 0th level spells

Level 1 Charm Person
Protection From Alignment
Summon Monster I

Level 2 Alter Self
Summon Monster II
Summon Swarm
Fox's Cunning
Rope Trick

Level 3 Dispel Magic
Magic Circle Against Alignment
Summon Monster III
Greater Magic Weapon

Level 4 Charm Monster
Blood Star
Solid Fog
Summon Monster IV
Dimension Door

Level 5
Summon Monster V
Lesser Planar Binding