Thar Shaddin

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The freeform fantasy setting of Thar Shaddin.

Thar Shaddin is a unique medieval dark-fantasy setting with elements of steampunk and horror. The setting was created for use on an online play-by-post forum, and is not bound by any rules system. It is most suited for freeform roleplaying and creative writing.

The World[edit]

The world of Pal Tahrenor exists as a parallel Earth which was irreversibly transformed by the introduction of magic some 3000 years ago. Another plane of reality, the astral plane, was discovered as the source of this power. What began as a slow, innocuous discovery snowballed into a force so powerful it led to a massive war which became known as the Changers' War after the demi-gods who were largely responsible.

After the war came a long dark age, followed by a period of slow rediscovery. In Europe and Asia, human empires re-established themselves and began warring once more. Many other places such as the Americas have remained in the hands of other creatures, often too far twisted by magic to ever be populated by a civilized culture again.

Magic continued to be practiced by humans and the creatures they have generally learned to coexist with. Although the seal prevents magic on the scale of the Changers' War, people are still able to tap into the astral plane and use it to manipulate reality. Minor mages are commonplace in the civilized empires - useful for a variety of tasks involving things like medicine, travel, engineering, construction and warfare. These would have otherwise been performed by specialists, and as a result the people of Pal Tahrenor have developed little in terms of science and technology and have become trapped in a nearly feudal, pseudo-medieval landscape.

Thar Shaddin[edit]

Located in what what we would call eastern Europe, the region of Thar Shaddin is a dark, unfriendly, and unforgiving place. Isolated by miles of the harsh Sooqui plain, it is a monotonous landscape broken only by low growing shrubs and grasses. The only notable natural feature of Thar Shaddin is the Ofriyu Mar river which cuts a southward path through the center of the thar, along which grow all kinds of flora. Various animals and humanoids live on the plain but they are few and far between. Most are anything but friendly. The only civilized populations in Thar Shaddin live in two places: the city of Marn and the town of Shim. Marn and Shim are located near the center of Thar Shaddin along the Ofriyu Mar and are connected by a single road which crosses the river. This road extends East and West into neighboring regions.

The City of Marn[edit]

The city of Marn is the heart of Thar Shaddin. With only about 15,000 people, Marn is not a large city by modern standards, but it is home to a powerful authoritarian government that strictly controls the use of magic with penalties of torture and death for those who break their laws. Marn does have many of the amenities of a modern city, including running water and some electricity provided by mainly gnomish technology. The downtown area is busy and has enough distractions, from brothels and taverns to fancy shops, to keep the people occupied. The citizens are cut off from the rest of the world, living in fear and oppressive rule under a government they both love and hate. Some have magical powers which they hide and practice in seclusion, but many others have a religious, almost zealous respect for the government and their ways and would never thing of breaking laws regarding magic even if they could. It is not illegal to have magical powers, else creatures with innate magical abilities like faeries would never be allowed inside, but it is illegal to use magic of any kind unless one has obtained permission to do so by the government. Destructive magic used in combat almost surely carries a penalty of death, while lesser infractions carry fines, prison time and torturous interrogation.

The Town of Shim[edit]

East of Marn, across the Ofriyu Mar, is the small town of Shim. There is not much to be seen in Shim but old farms, a cemetery, and a quiet manor situated atop a hill overlooking it all. The owner of the manor is a rarely seen man, only known as Belatucadrus, who locals will tell you is a vampire. There is a single Inn, The Red Chalice, which sees the occasional traveler who prefers not to spend the night in Marn.

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]